
JJ picked out the restaurant and to no one's surprise, he picked Nobu. We enter the restaurant and JJ speaks to someone who works there. We got seated at a table with an outstanding view of Dubai. The waiter hands us some menus and everyone is studying each dish. I look over at Talia and Simon who are deciding between sharing a dish or ordering two separate things. 

"I can't wait for you to move in" Harry whispers to me. I look at him and smile. He grabs my thigh under the table and kisses me on the cheek. I love when he does little things like that, it gives me butterflies every time without fail. I feel a pair of eyes watching us, I peer over to the other end of the table and see Ethan staring at me. I look at him and he stands up. He starts walking to the bathroom and pulls his phone out. I feel my phone vibrate and It's a message from Ethan.

Ethan- Meet me near the bathrooms at the back.

I put my phone on the table face down and excuse myself. I walk past a few tables until I reach the bathrooms. "What is going on?" I demand. "What did you mean at the club?" I cross my arms.

"I didn't mean it the way it came out I swear, It's been bothering me ever since" he leans against the wall. "About two months before you moved to London, my ex and I broke up. It was super messy and we both got hurt." He swallows. "I kept telling myself for weeks that I didn't have feelings for her anymore but I do. I can never seem to pick the genuine caring ones, only the manipulative lying ones." The tone in his voice changed. "I look at you and Harry and what you guys have and I'll admit it, I'm jealous. I thought I was jealous of him and the relationship he has with you but I know now that I'm actually jealous that I can't seem to find someone like you." He stares at me in the eyes. I can't help but feel sorry for him. I know what being a shitty relationship is like and I don't wish it upon anyone. "I'm sorry if I got caught up in how I thought I felt and if it made you uncomfortable." He stares at his shoe. I can tell that opening up isn't really his thing and that this is hard for him.

"Ethan its ok, I appreciate you being honest with me. I have been in toxic relationships as well and I know it sucks, I was waiting for someone like Harry and then I finally met him. You will meet your someone and when you do, nothing else will matter and it will completely take you by surprise." I smile.

"Like it did with you?" He looks up at me.

"Yeah." I nod my head. "I didn't expect to fall so quick for Harry but, he truly is my soulmate." I stop and take a moment to realise what I just said. It's true, Harry is my soulmate. I smile to myself and flashback to the night we first met and how I kissed him. It has been such an amazing time and I owe majority of that to him.

"We should probably go back to the table but thank you for hearing me out" Ethan hugs me. We walk back to the table and sit down.

"I ordered for you" Harry takes a sip of his water. The conversation at the table was loud and I only just heard him.

"Thank you" I hold his hand. He squeezes my hand and winks at me. 

"Cheers everyone, to our last day in Dubai and our long flight home tonight" Josh raises his glass.

"All we do is toast I swear" Lux laughs. Everyone raises their glass and takes a sip of their beverage.


Back at the house everyone is gathering their belongings and getting ready for the flight. Harry and I are in my room and I'm packing both of our suitcases. 

"Wait, that's mine!" He points to a black hoodie with white writing on the back of it. I leave it in my suitcase and grin a him.

"It's mine now." I laugh and continue folding clothes. 

"When we move your stuff in, I'm taking that back" Harry sits on the edge of my bed just in-front of me. 

"When I move in, I'll be able to take your clothes just as easy" I smirk at him and shut his suitcase. "I think that's everything Harold" I scan the room with my eyes and see a pair of lace underwear half under the bed. I walk over and pick it up.

"You look good in those" Harry bites his lip and looks me up and down. I throw the underwear on top of my suitcase and sit on top of Harry. I straddle him and he holds my waist.

"You look hot in anything" I whisper to him. He moves his hands down my body, touching my bare skin. I look him in the eyes and he kisses me. I kiss him back and take his top off. We both begin to breathe heavily as he starts unzipping my shorts.

"Talia and Simon are next door, we need to keep it down" Harry mumbles in-between kisses. I push him down onto the bed and take my top off. I lean down and kiss his neck,

"That's impossible" Harry laughs at my comment and rolls me over. Every time I'm vulnerable with him it never feels uncomfortable or unnatural. I feel like I can be myself and say whatever is on my mind and not be judged for it, that's one of the things I love about him...

Written 11-2-2021

Published 12-2-2021

Words 1665

(I know this episode was a little bit boring but I promise some interesting stuff is going to happen very soon xo)

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