Chapter 2

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Noya's Pov

I see the ball coming towards me and I sprint to get it. I reach my foot out and slam it against the ground moving the ball back up, then all of a sudden and tumbling to the ground, my ankle was in so much pain! I hear the whistle go off when we get a point as couch and Kiyoko start running towards me, then it all goes dark.

Asahis Pov

I run over to him and see that he's completely unconscious and my anxiety skyrockets again.

"Should I carry him to the nurse?" I ask "you're in the middle of a game man bun, I'll have someone else take him"

I sigh and watch as the other second years take him to the nurse as I get ready for the game to start again

As the game goes on I miss most of my spikes and get taken out of the game to rest, we still ended up winning tho.

As soon as the game ends I go to the nurses office to check on him

"Noya? Are you alive?"
"No, I am dead"
"Not funny Noya, I was so scared"
"I'm not joking, I am, atleast I feel dead"
"Are you in pain? Do I need to get the nurse?" I ask as I lay my hand on his forehead
"I uh- no? Yeah? Idk" he says with a sigh
"Do you want food? I can get you some food"
"No thanks Asahi, I'm not hungry"

Wait, something is definitely wrong, Noya never turns down food "do you want me to take you home then? I can carry you"

"Sure, I'm really tired and want to go to bed"
"Okay, hop on my back"

I turn around and he gets on my back, I look down and see his ankle is bandaged "did you hurt your ankle?" I ask and he nods in return.

"Are you going to be able to play anymore this season?" I ask and he shrugs in response as I walk to his house

I try to make small talk with him on the way to his house but he never replied with more than just a couple words. I arrive at his house and gently sits him down, it looks like no one is here.

"Are your parents home?"
"Where are they?"
"Work trip"
"Are you gonna be okay all alone?'
"Do you want to just come to my house so I can take care of you?"
"I don't wanna bother you"
"You wouldn't be, I like hanging out with you"
"Fine let me get a bag"

I wait outside as Noya grabs his bag and when he comes back out we head to my place

As we arrive at my house I take him to my room to hang a bit

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure, what movie?"
"Idk, you can pick"
"Bet" *picks shrek*
*Chuckles* "I guess this works"

We sit next to each other on my bed curled up in blankets. About 40 mins into the movie I feel something flop onto my shoulder, I look over to see he had fallen asleep and fell over. I blushed a little as I moved the hair out of his face and turn off the movie falling asleep too

I wake up before him the next morning and go downstairs to make food, pancakes and bacon sound pretty good. As I'm finishing up cooking Noya comes hoping downstairs

"Mornin Noya" I say to him as I go over to help him sit down
"Good morning"
"I'm making some pancakes and bacon if you want some"
"Oooo bacon, I like meat"
"I know you do" *smiles and laughs a little*
*Also slimes and laughs a little*

As I go to make him a plate of food I see that he looks out the window kinda sadly, and I can't help but wonder if there is something more going on with the tiny libero then he lets on.

*Sits a plate of food in front of him* "bone apple teeth kind sir"
*Giggles a little* "I never thought I'd hear you say that, it was adorable tho"

*Blushes a little as I make myself a plate*

Noyas Pov

You know it's really hard trying to keep your crush a secret when you get stuck staying at his house and he's this cute, I'm gonna end up accidentally telling him. Asahi is the most perfect person ever, he's cute, funny, talented, AND HE CAN COOK GOOD FOOD! He's perfect! I love him so much! He can't know that tho or he'd hate me, I'd rather keep my love a secret forever if it means I can still be friends with him.

*Continues eating*
"Do you like it?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, it's great!"
"That's good, I tried super hard to make it taste amazing!" He says with a smile

Omg his smile is so cute, I should take a picture! No that'd be weird! Wait does he hate me? He probably hates me, please don't hate me Asahi!

Asahis Pov

Noya seems to be lost in thought, I hope everything is okay. *Smiles at him while eating*

*Smiles back while finishing up his food* "Thanks Asahi for such a delicious breakfast, you should be a chef or something!

"Aw thank but I would be a terrible chef" *laughs a little*
"What? You'd be a amazing one! Much better than me atleast"
"You should cook for me sometime so we can compare who would be the better chef"
"Is that a dare?"

We both laugh and goof around as I clean up the kitchen, I always had so much fun hanging out with him, I wish it never had to end.

When I was done cleaning I helped him walk back to my room and we decided to play some animal crossing.

"I suck at this game" I say as I miss a fish for the 6'th time

He laughs at my suffering as he goes and starts fishing for me "I shall reach you how to fish"

"Thanks Noya" I say with a smile

We continue playing animal crossing for awhile and I actually end up being able to catch my own fish, I'm basically a professional player now.

"I should probably take a shower now"
"Okay Noya"

Noyas Pov

I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower, my ankle was in excruciating pain the entire walk over but I wasn't going to bother Asahi again. I grab my clothes and a towel and go to start the water. I get in and take the quickest shower ever so I can go back to hanging out with Asahi

I walk back over to him and see he had fallen asleep so, I decide to just sit on the floor and go back to playing animal crossing.

As I'm playing animal crossing Asahi wakes up

"Noya come lay with me"
"Huh? Lay with you? Wouldn't that make you uncomfortable tho?"
"No it's fine, I want cuddles"
"I uh, okay, cuddles sound good"

I get up and lay next to him and he holds me close, I was a lot more comfortable then sitting on the floor. Eventually we both fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms

A/n I was gonna make this chapter longer but decided them sleeping was a good spot to end it. Sorry that the chapter was kinda all over the place, I will try to make the next chapter better and that will be coming out either the 20'th or 27'th

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