Chapter 1

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The year is 2029 in Jump City: Titans Tower, 9:58 pm

"Arella Rita Logan you are 15 years old! You will not disrespect me especially in front of the other Titans!" Arella heard her mother yell as her father leaned against the closed door of her bedroom.

"It wasn't even my fault! It wasn't my choice for you to go crazy in front of them!" She yelled back.

"Do not use that tone with me, and it was your choice to start a fight with your brother!" Raven fought.

"I was just kidding Gabe just overreacted mom but of course you take his side because he is your favorite!" Arella heard the glass on her night stand shatter.

"I don't know why you keep saying that Arilla but it isn't true! I am just sick of our constant fighting!" Raven admitted releasing the tension her shoulders were holding.

Arilla felt the irritation forming "Constant fighting? The only constant thing around here is your nagging!"

Out of the corner of her eye Arilla saw her picture frame crack in her wall.

"Okay Ari that is enough, um Rae maybe we should just give her a little bit of space." Her father chimed in putting a comforting hand on his wife's back.

Arilla was filled with frustration "Ẅhy are you taking her side? She is a horrible mom!"

"Arilla!" Both of her parents yelled in unison.

"You don't mean that!" Raven yelled the hurt apparent on her face.

Arilla straightened her back "I do mean that! You are a horrible mother! Anyone could do a better job even that Terra girl you used to tell us about! A traitor would have been a better mother than you!" Arilla felt the rage flow in her body "I wish dad stayed in love with her instead!"

"Arilla, stop now!" Gar yelled at the top of his lungs.

Raven was silent but Gar saw the tear that slipped out of her eye before she wiped it away.

"Rae-" Gar tried to comfort her but she turned away.

"I need to meditate" she mumbled and left the room.

Gar turned to his daughter with eyes full of tears "You have no idea what Terra had put this team through, or what she put your mother and I through! She was a horrible traitor who tricked me and the rest of us but your mother protected us! She saved us and you go and tell her something like that! I am so disappointed in you Arilla"

With that Arilla watched her dad leave her room with a slam of her door.

The frame shattered.

Arilla felt the guilt stir in her stomach. She knew that Terra was a sore subject with her parents. She felt the tears run down her cheeks.

She laid down on her bed and cried into her pillow eventually letting sleep take over her body.

On the other side of the tower Gar sat on their bed waiting for his wife to finish her meditation.

He was livid when he heard those words come out of his daughters mouth. He never would have thought she would have gone so far.

"Do you think I'm a good mother Gar?" being pulled out of his thoughts he didn't even realise Raven had sat with him.

"I'm sorry Rae what did you say? I was lost in thought" He admitted but he took her hand.

"I asked if you think that I'm a good mother" She repeated herself letting the tears stream down her face.

Gar turned to face her and held her face in his hands. She looked up at him with sadness in her eyes.

"Rae you are the best mom ever" He wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "And the best wife ever, Ari was just -"

"Just what Gar? Saying that a woman like Terra would be a better mother then I would" Raven put her head in the crook of his neck to hide her tears.

"Raven you know that she has no idea about what she is talking about" he put a hand in her hair "don't let her get to you especially when she is just blabbering whatever nonsense"

"You know what Rae? I think you are the best mom, wife, teammate and even person! I love you so so much!" he smiles leaning onto her head.

He felt her smile from against his skin "I love you too Gar" Raven replied in a raspy tired voice "so much you dork"

Raven felt him pull her with him so they could lay down. His arms left her for a few seconds then she felt him pull up the blanket over body. Once his embrace was around her once more she cuddled into him.

" And for the record even if it has been like 25 years? I am so happy I chose you baby"

Raven tightened her grip around him "Me too Gar" she kissed the side of his neck.

With that they fell asleep both wrapped in eachothers arms.

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