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3rd POV 

Everyone is ready to sing a birthday song for Marie but, Nana told Marie to come up stage and thank everyone for celebrating her birthday with her.

"PFFT HAHAHA yeah she's gonna be so welcome after I play her vid." Hinata laughed cutely making everyone around him coo silently.

"I am so thankful that you guys celebrated my birthday with me, I am also very thankful that you guys are really kind and helpful to me." Marie continued.

I also want to say thank you to the person who planned and set up my Birthday party, and I'm sorry I don't really know you that much." Marie chuckled not knowing what surprise is about to come.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you." Everyone sung as Hinata pressed a small remote from the back of his pocket still singing happily.

"Happy birthday dear Marie-" Everyone stopped singing and none of them can move from their sit's.










"HAHAHA you like my surprise Bitch!" "Marie w-why are you doing this w-what did I ever do to you?" As the video of Marie laughing at Hinata played.

The video continued with Marie and Yuto kissing  inside a bathroom stall, a while later it turned to where Marie was kissing Oikawa.

This made Marie shiver she turned to look at Hinata who is now smiling cutely while looking at her. 

"You fucking bitch! You fucking planned this didn't you I will fucking kill you." Marie said furiously  as everyone looked at Hinata and Marie.

"Whispers can be heard throughout the gym. "HMM? What do you mean I didn't even do anything wrong Marie why would you accuse me of something I didn't do...?"

A blueish smoke started to surround Marie, she walked towards Hinata and started to strike him with fireballs, Hinata avoided it like it was nothing which made Marie more angry. "Cant you fucking stay still I'm trying to kill you!" She shouted as it was getting irritating.

"Are you not gonna fucking help him?! What kind of fucking team are you?! Your fucking teammate is about to fucking die, and where the fuck did you even get this fucking powers from what kind of people are you?!"  Tsukishima spat as he can barely see Hinata because of so much smoke that's surrounding Hinata.

"Relax nothing's gonna happen to him stop being a pussy you guys brought this upon him just sit back and enjoy the show." Yuusuke said laughing in the process.

This time another fireball was thrown to Hinata, but it wasn't Marie who did it, it was Nana she's helping Marie.

"This is bullshit If my child fucking dies because your not helping him I will fucking kill all of you with my bare hands and I'm not fucking kidding!!!" Suga shouted at Raizel and Frankenstein .

"I know what I'm doing if you don't want him to die in the first place why didn't you believe him, or even check his phone if that Bitch was actually lying of not." Frankenstein retorts.

The one they didn't believe.(Hinata Harem)Where stories live. Discover now