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With my sketch pad in hand I began drawing one of the same faces I have been for the past few months.

A boy probably around my age, he was very handsome. His features were sharp but his eyes were soft and kind.   

Susan entered my room already in her school uniform.

"Another dream?" She asked.

"Yeah of the same boy." I told her showing the sketch .

"What did you find this time?"

"His name is Caspian. His uncle Miraz is having a child I think."

"Come on get ready for school. We need to leave soon."

I nodded stretching and changing into my uniform. I gestured towards my satchel, all my art things and snacks neatly tucking themselves into it, the simple magic making me tired. I furrowed my eyebrows, before heading downstairs. I quickly ate a few pieces of toast and we headed towards school. 

I spaced out when a scene began to unfold in front of me. "Lord Miraz. You have a son!" The man said.

"The heavens have blessed us." He sighs. "You know your orders." He paused and was met with silence. "General Glozelle?"

"Yes, my lord." He replied before leaving.

A man wearing a cloak begins moving through the halls careful to avoid the guards. He quietly entered a room, shutting the door behind him. He opened the curtains clasping his hand over the young mans mouth. Startled he gasped before recognizing the man.

He pulled his hand away before sepaking. "Five more minutes."

"You won't be watching the stars tonight my prince. Come. We must hurry." The panic in the mans voice makes the prince get up and follow him.

"Professor. What's going on?" He asks.

"Your Aunt has given birth, to a son." He opened the wardrobe before pushing open a door at the back surprising the prince. But he knew what his aunt having a son meant.

"Come." The professor said.

He closed the wardrobe doors but left a gap he could see out of. He watched as ten men surrounded his bed armed with crossbows. They fired loaded their weapons and fired again.

They hurried down a stair case, desperate to get out before they could stop him. He grabbed body armour and a sword before getting on a horse.

"You must make for the woods." The professor told him.

"The woods?"

"They won't follow you there." He grabbed two wrapped items before handing them to the prince. "It has taken me many years to find these. Do not open the necklace or blow the horn except at your greatest need."

"Will I ever see you again?" The prince asked.

"I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more I am meant to tell you. Everything you know is about to change."

"What about my sister?" He asked worried.

"You can not help her if you are dead?"

"Close the drawbridge!" They heard shouting.

"Now go." The professor said.

"Rowan!" Peter yelled snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you alright? We've been trying to get your attention."

"Sorry just tired." I said softly.

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