Chapter Twenty-Three

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Filth: It Washes Away

Your whispered I don't know if we have enough time was met with a grunt followed by I can be done in five minutes...six if you want to cum . His thumb met your clitoris as he spoke. Kylo Ren kissed your jaw. Your eyelids fluttered, and you allowed any other weak protests your mind could conjure to fade away. Winding an arm around his neck, you shifted your face until you were able to kiss him again. Kylo maneuvered you down to the ground, all the while one hand worked your bottoms down your thighs. Your fingers found his hair. So soft, so clean. You smiled against his lips as you thought of the hand sanitizer he had gifted you. A private joke—you hadn't even realized that you had one with him.

As he continued to fuck you with his fingers, you pawed at the front of his pants. Then groaned upon remembering that they were high waisted, which meant they were not so easily tugged off. He would decide to wear that pair. You squirmed until you were able to find a way to begin the task of removing those pants. It wasn't as easy a task as it may have been had he not found your g-spot. Your toes curled, your back arching as you panted.

You wrapped your hand around his cock, stroking only the top of it. Kylo growled in your ear and bucked his hips into your touch, demanding more. In response, you swiped your index finger back and forth on the top of his erection's head. He slipped out of your grasp, crawling backwards until he was able to seize hold of your hips and shift you so that you were on your hands and knees, your back to him. Your cheeks heated up. In your peripheral, you could see his cape moving along with him. It touched your bare thighs seconds before you could feel his cock near your entrance. The man dipped his hips instead of entering you, his length teasing your outer lips and making you throb with need.

If time had been on your side, he would have taken more time, would have left you wet and begging for him. Instead he—you swore under your breath as Kylo Ren chuckled and started to draw back. His cape skimmed along your thighs in reverse. Then forward again. You hung your head. "You're not very nice."

"Have I ever been?" You opened your mouth to reply, and he cut you off. "Aside from the toilet paper."

Your eyes shifted as you recalled more moments. That time he had allowed you to board the Command Shuttle when Tom had requested, and then directly afterwards, him encouraging you by having you sit in the TIE. Him escorting you to your quarters after you had waited for him to emerge from the showers. The not-a-date-date in the Limo. That same day, when he had cooked food for you. The hand sanitizer.

"Hush." You grinned widely, not at all insulted. He sounded flustered, and you imagined he was scowling. Kylo Ren did not want to be known as someone who was sentimental. Still, it was these acts that had allowed you to open up to him, to give him those second and third chances. Kylo kissed the center of your spine. Your arms nearly gave out on you.

As his cape teased your hips, his tongue wet the flesh along your spine. Kylo nipped at the back of your neck. You mewled then sighed as he at long last pushed inside of you. You rocked backwards into him, meeting his thrusts. It felt as though time had stopped, and you desperately wished that were the case. You wanted to stay there with him without worrying what the future might hold.

Behind you, Kylo stilled, and an invisible force wrapped around you so that you were made to mimic those actions. It was different than when Snoke had used the Force. This grip was loose, gentle. It was as though you could feel the man's intent. Where the Supreme Leader had aimed for humiliation, the Master of the Knights of Ren sought to please you. You murmured a soft permission for him to use the Force on you in other ways. Instantly you felt his breath on the back of your neck. The following second, tears formed in the corners of your eyes as he rocked forward in unison with manipulating the Force downwards, stroking your clit.

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