Chapter Fourteen

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Part One
Causes: Some Are Underlying

Though you were not completely cleared for work, you had awoken to a message from General Hux waiting for you on your datapad. In it, you had been given permission to work near the transport shuttles. You were allowed to observe only, and even then you were to keep your distance so that your body could finish healing. Despite thinking it a sort of punishment for actions that were not your own, you took into consideration that the man truly did have a somewhat vested interest in your health. You had thus happily showered, dressed, and dragged Squeakers with you to the cafeteria for a very light breakfast prior to heading towards the shuttles.

Your droid companion happily beeped and chirped behind you. It seemed that Squeakers missed your company whenever the two of you were separated. The loyalty brought a smile to your face. It was the closest to a sense of affection a droid could have.

The smile dropped from your face the moment you rounded the corner that would take you to the entrance of the shuttle bay. You stopped short, tilting back your head so that you were able to take in the mask in full. Kylo Ren had his head cocked to the side. You wondered if he was blinking behind that visor, or if he was simply focused. "The General is reluctant given your injuries, however... It is best that you have a more hands-on training. I will remain by your side to prevent any more...accidents...from occurring while you train."

That was all he said to you before he turned on his heel and began to walk in the direction you had been heading moments ago. You glanced at Squeakers. The droid looked up at you as well, and then the pair of you followed after the Force user. You were each rather quiet. The hustle and bustle around the shuttle bay went over your head. You wound your way past objects—no person obstructed your path, as they had already moved out of Ren's way.

You had half expected him to enter the Command Shuttle, though you could not put your finger on why this was; he had, after all, stated that his presence was for the purpose of your training. You were not going to work on the Limo; it was a transport shuttle you were assigned to. He perhaps chose one at random. The 'troopers, officers, mechanics and technicians who were near it tensed yet continued on their work. You walked up the ramp, Squeakers trailing along behind you.

Kylo Ren walked to the pilot's chair, where he sat. You took the co-pilot's chair while Squeakers siddled up between the two of you. Your hands immediately went to the console. You started to bring up diagnostics, mentally going through the steps of what you needed to do. The system was newer, upgraded from when you had last tinkered with it. You pursed your lips, narrowing your eyes and allowing yourself to become more accustomed with the slight changes.

"The General is correct—you learn quickly."

"I take my job seriously, Commander," you said, as respectfully as possible. A sort of hum issued from your left. You paid the noise little heed, your fingers dancing along the controls again.

Your superior hardly made another sound. If it were not for the fact that you could see him in your peripheral, you would have felt as though it was only you and Squeakers inside. You adjusted how you were sitting more than once; you could not wait until your injuries were fully healed. That thought caused your mind to drift towards Tom. He had prevented your death. You would have been cut in two. You shuddered as this realization once more hit you in full.

What a stupid, painful way to die... Or maybe not too painful? It may have been quick... Hard to say...

The diagnostics displayed that there was nothing wrong with the system. This made sense, given that you had originally been assigned to observations only. Being able to fiddle with the console, however, would prove to be more useful.

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