At the Playground (John Watson x reader)

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John sat on a nearby bench as Rose played in the park. Her little curls bounced against her face when she ran off to play on the slide for a bit. John took the chance to relax a little bit. He loved his daughter, but at six years old, she was still a little ball of energy and he was raising her as a single father. Sure, he had Sherlock's help sometimes, along with Molly and occasionally Mrs. Hudson, but mostly, the two were alone. So, it was nice to catch a break once in a while.

John sat with his book for a bit, peeking over the top to check on Rose every once in a while. A shrill cry pulled him from his book and he saw Rose running up to him a moment later. "Daddy! My new friend! She fell down." John stood up and let Rose lead him over to her new friend where he laid eyes on you for the first time.

"See? She's hurt," Rose insisted, making you look up. You smiled at the little girl and then John. "She's alright," you told them, "Just a little bump and skinned knee." Rose looked up at John with pleading eyes before he could even think about walking away.

"My daddy's a doctor!" Rosie declared proudly. You gestured to your daughter. "Be my guest, Doctor." Even though you were only placating the children, there was a glimmer of humor in your eyes that made John smile. John knelt down to look at the scraped knee.

"How are you, sweetheart?" he asked the little girl calmly. She sniffled a bit, but giggled lightly. "'M fine." She looked up at you and you smiled. John quickly looked over the little girl, soon pronouncing that she was indeed fine, if only for the children's sake. The two girls suddenly shot off back toward the playground, making you both laugh.

"Thank you, Doctor," you said, turning slightly to him. "John. Watson," he introduced and offered his hand. You took it. "Y/F/N. Seems like you saved her day." John laughed, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "It was no problem. Always happy to help." He let go of your hand and looked back to the girls. "Funny how children can became instant friends, isn't it?"

"Yes. Those two clicked the moment they met last week when Rosie was here with a young woman. Molly, I believe her name was." John nodded. "Yes. Molly watches her sometimes when she's not working at St. Bart's." You smiled as a silence fell between you. John found himself glancing at you from the corner of his eye. He was surprised to realize that he found you highly attractive.

John hadn't looked at anyone in anything other than a friendly way since Mary had died. A lot of that was guilt over the fact that he been unfaithful just before Mary had died. While he'd never actually slept with the woman, he'd wanted to and that had kept him from opening up again after Mary. But now, here you were and John found his eyes continuously traveling back to you as your children played together.

"You're staring, Doctor Watson." John felt his face heat up and he knew he was blushing. He cleared his throat and apologized. You laughed lightly, shaking your head to indicate that you weren't bothered. For another few minutes, no words passed between you, but John kept sneaking glances. Occasionally, he could have sworn you were looking at him as well.

Your silence was broken by your cell phone. You sighed heavily and fished the device out of your pocket. You read the text and frowned before turning to John. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut the girls' time short. That was my job and I need to go in." You moved to collect your daughter when John spoke again.

"Maybe we could meet here again sometime...for the girls' sake." You let your lips upturn into a smile. "For the girls, of course," you replied with a smirk, "I'd like that. Here, put your number in my mobile." John quickly added his contact information to your phone and handed it back to you. "Great. See you around, John." You called for your daughter and the two of you left the park as John's own phone alerted him of a text. Sherlock.

A little while later, John met Sherlock at a crime scene, but he wasn't as focused as he could have been. That was made obvious when Sherlock, speaking to Lestrade, said, "You've got a new one." John looked at Lestrade who looked confused as he followed Sherlock's gaze.

"Oh yeah. This is Detective Y/L/N." John's eyes widened as you turned around to look at the men. Your eyes landed on John and you smiled. "Well isn't this a nice surprise?" You asked with a wink. John couldn't believe his luck. He wasn't a superstitious man, but maybe this was a sign. Suddenly, John couldn't wait until he would be able to spend time with you again, away from work. 

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