Chapter 2: Combat Training

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I grump onto my bed. I'm angry. About yesterday. There's no way he didn't do that on purpose. Suki slips into my room like it's normal for your cousin to just burst into your room, at night. Well, at 8:00.

"Wassup?" Suki says, tossing a mooncake on my bed.

I grab the mooncake before tearing the packaging open with my teeth. "I heard about yesterday." Suki sits next to me, taking a bite of her mooncake.

"Yeah, it was embarrassing," I say bitterly.

Suki nudges me softly, "Hey, why the angry face?"

"He has to be like all of them, just pretending to spill his drink just so he can see my tits." Suki just laughs and I glare. "What?"

"You're just being silly! I've met him and he apologized several times."

"Sure, I know he did. But everyone saw!" I whine pushing my face into my pillow. "And some took pictures, too," I say muffled and Suki winces.

"Everyone? Pictures? Wow, isn't the internet, like forever?" Suki stops when she sees me glaring at her. Suki smiles weakly, "Sorry."

"You're not helping, Suki!" I say, taking a rough bite of the cake.

Suki pats my shoulder, "Sorry," she says again. I roll my eyes. My eyes flicker toward the window just for a split second before seeing a bright light.

A shooting star?!

"A shooting star!" I screech, my head lifting from the pillow. I grab Suki and push her and myself off my bed. Dragging her to the door, I scream, "Get out! Get out! I hafta make a wish!" My inner child coming out.

Suki starts trying me, and as I try and push her out of the room she starts falling on me. "Uh oh, gravity's increasing on me, again!"

"No, it's not you liar!"

"Is too, Azu, same thing happened yesterday."

"No, it's not you rotten cousin!" I scream as she falls on me and I have to squirm my way from under her. "Now get your fat ass off of me!"

I'm finally free!

I rush to my door and shut it as hard as I can, accidentally by her head. After that's done I make my way to the side of my bed and kneel.

"Hi... um, it's me again. I'm sure you're tired of hearing from me... but, I need support, my cousin supports me enough as it is, but I just need to get through this year. I am really good. Please protect me and support me through this journey..." 


Tsu, Mina, and I started becoming friends fast. Despite the lunch fiasco a week ago, Izuku and I are cool. We soon have combat training. And to be honest I'm a bit nervous. My hero outfit was a little bit too tight for my liking, but it's for my quirk. Besides my cousin drew it anyways.

 Besides my cousin drew it anyways

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But seeing Momo in hers got me a bit less worried. First up was Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugo. This would not end well.

And it didn't.

They blew up a building. I was partnered with Aoyama against Todoroki and Shoji. It wasn't all that hard to unfreeze Todoroki's ice. But he still won.

Mina and Tsu cheered me up about not winning, but Todoroki had good sportsmanship. It felt as if time flew by really fast. Before I knew it class was over, I had managed to get through the day without revealing my blood bending.

And I hope it'll stay like that.

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