Not Everyone

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Not everyone.

I hate to break it to you but not everyone is the way you think they are. I hate to break it to you but the way you know one person doesn't make everyone close to them like them. It doesn't make everyone who looks like them like them.

Not everyone is going to fit into your stereotype. So, stop stereotyping people.

Just because I'm catholic doesn't make me like the ones you've met. Just because you think Catholics hate that group of people doesn't mean I do.

What your told or what you see isn't always right. Maybe it is in some situations, but it isn't in all.

Stop looking at a person and putting them into a group based on their outward appearance. Social identity doesn't make up the whole person. Their looks don't define them. Their wealth doesn't divine them. Their name doesn't define them. Their job doesn't define them. Their family doesn't define them. Their past DOES. NOT. DEFINE. THEM. Their personality does. What they do does. How they help does. What they want to do does. How hard they've worked does. But then again maybe that stuff doesn't define them.

Don't condemn an entire group of people based on one thing someone you believe goes with that group did something you didn't like. That's a you and them problem not a you and us problem.

Just because one colored person took the apple you wanted by cutting you in line doesn't mean that everyone who looks like them will.

I'm not like everyone that fits into my social class and nor are you.

Stop stereotyping.

A/N- I wrote this in my journal the other day and thought I should share it with you all. This is something I'm passionate about and I hope you will be too. You'll probably hear/read/see me talk about this again. Sorry not sorry. 

Also the picture isn't mine. 

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