Chapter 4: Timothy tells the truth

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The next morning came too quickly for Thomas; Thomas had a busy day! First, he had to shunt Gordon's coaches, then he had to work in the Quarry while Mavis was helping at the China Clay Pits, finally Thomas had to take a goods train to Knapford Harbor. As Thomas arrived at Knapford Harbor, Percy was there with Annie and Clarabel.

"Good morning, Thomas." He puffed. "You're here early for once."

"Traffic  was lighter than normal at the level crossing." Said Thomas.

Just then, Toby arrived, with a very important message.

"Have you heard the news?" He huffed. "Diesel has been going around Sodor spreading rumors!"

Thomas and Percy were surprised!

"Since when?"

"Since he overheard you and Timothy talking at Vicarstown, Thomas." Toby replied.

That afternoon, Thomas, Percy, and Toby, made their way to Knapford Station; all the engines were there, even Timothy was with them.

"Guys, thank goodness you three are here." Said Nia.

"We heard from Toby that Diesel has been spreading rumors around Sodor." Said Thomas. "What rumors was he spreading?"

"Well, apparently he thinks that there's an experimental engine on Sodor." Replied James.

Thomas' heart suddenly stopped, his boiler ran cold.

"What could he mean? There's no way an experimental engine would be allowed on Sodor. Everyone would notice right away." Emily replied.

"Did Diesel threaten to do anything to this engine?" Percy asked.

"Diesel said he'd pick a fight with him, so everyone could see and then get him sent away." Huffed Edward.

Thomas froze up, he knew who they were talking about.

"Should we do anything?" Asked Percy.

"If we knew who Diesel was talking about, we could certainly help figure out the situation." Said Eagle. "I don't think Diesel should be able to get away with his actions so easily."

Thomas knew he had to tell the truth.

"Guys, I know who Diesel is talking about."

"Who is?" Asked Rebecca.

"He's talking about me; Diesel's talking about me!!"

All the engines were confused.

"What do you mean?" Asked Percy.

"I'm the experimental engine. I... I'm sorry!" 

Thomas couldn't handle it anymore, so he ran away as fast as he could!

"Thomas, wait!" Edward cried.

But Thomas was far gone.

"What did he mean by that?" Asked Nia.

Timothy knew he had to come clean.

"I know why." He puffed. "A long time ago, Thomas was built as an experimental version of the London Brighton South Coast Railway's E2's, he was a prototype."

"A what?" Asked Percy.

"A prototype." Huffed Edward. "A prototype is a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied."

"That's right." Huffed Timothy. "Thomas was the only E2 built with splashers underneath his extended water tanks, and his back footplate was flat than curved."

The engines were shocked.

"I never knew Thomas was an experimental engine!" Gasped Emily.

"So, why did he run away?" Asked Rebecca.

"Thomas doesn't have any way to know how everyone feels about that. A lot of engines hate engine like Thomas, so he's afraid you guys would too."

"Why?! What do they have against him?" Asked Nia.

"Well, up until he realized he wasn't in the right body, everyone thought he was an experimental. And when he said otherwise, no one would listen to him. They told him he was the confused one and that he needed to snap out of it. When you get used to something, it's hard to change it, right? That's the problem. They don't want to change, they want him to change."

"Rubbish!" Huffed Henry. "Some engines need to accept those for who they are! This is just dis- dis-"

"Disgraceful!" Said Gordon.

"Disgusting!" Put in James.

"Despicable!" Puffed Henry.

"Disagreeable." Added Azul.

"Disrespectful!" Finished Eagle.

"All the same, I know how Thomas feels." Henry huffed. "I haven't told you guys this, but I was never a Black 5 for my entire life. I used to be a mix of an LNER A1 and a GNR C1 Atlantic, until I had my accident with the Flying Kipper. I was teased by the other engines because of my old shape."

"You were an experimental engine, too?!" Emily gasped.

"It's true, I was built off of plans stolen from Sir Nigel Gresley, Gordon's designer; the people who built me were not very friendly, though. I was auctioned of to Sodor, until I had my accident with The Flying Kipper."

Toby, Emily, Nia, and Rebecca were shocked. They never knew that Henry used to be an experimental engine, too.

"Well, now that I'm finished, who should go and get Thomas?"

"I'll get him." Huffed Timothy. "I'm his older brother after all, not to mention that I know Thomas the longest." 

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