Chapter 88: Yu Zhan's Apartment

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The two passersby were very envious. They saw the pampering look in his eyes when he looked at his girlfriend.

As they watched the car drive away, one of the girls gasped,

"I remember, I finally remember now! That girl is Hanfu Goddess!"

This was the time for dinner. In the car, Yu Zhan asked Liu Man whether she wanted to pick up Daylight first or have dinner.

Liu Man wanted to see Daylight, so she chose to pick Daylight up first.

In the end, Yu Zhan told her to choose to have dinner first.

"You still need to have dinner after you pick up Daylight. Are you going to bring her to the restaurant?"

"Daylight's having a good time at my house, and she has developed a deep relationship with Paul. If we suddenly separate them, both of them would be sad."

Yu Zhan had many reasoning.

"Since you've already decided, then why bother asking me?"

Liu Man felt melancholy.

Yu Zhan felt helpless,

"I thought you would pick dinner first, but you went against logic."


Yu Zhan sneaked a look at her, and seeing that she wasn't angry for real, he sighed out of relief and continued to say,

"There are lots of restaurants near my house, but they are mainly western ones. Do you eat western food?"

Western food?

Liu Man searched through the memories from this body and, instantly, uncooked meat, vegetables, cheese, butter, and strange-tasting food floated into her mind.

"No, I have a Han appetite," Liu Man's reaction was very bold.

Yu Zhan had heard of Chinese appetites, but what was a Han appetite?

Appetites that only Han people had?

"There is a Chinese restaurant, but we will have to drive for a longer distance," Yu Zhan turned the wheel and headed in another direction.

Yu Zhan's home was in a luxurious area with luxurious residences and luxurious restaurants. Yu Zhan took Liu Man to a Chinese restaurant like a garden in the sky. Sitting on the top floor with huge glass windows, they could overlook the night view of the entire capital city. The neon lights flashed under the feet, and the stars were shining above them. It was indeed a place suitable for couples.

Unfortunately, Liu Man had her whole mind on her kitten and did not notice this romantic place. She concentrated on eating her meal and didn't talk at all, wasting Yu Zhan's hard work.

After dinner, Yu Zhan brought Liu Man to his apartment. Liu Man knew his address from mailing him her calligraphy work last time. But when she got there, she finally understood why the original owner of this body thought this place as the rich area.

Yu Zhan's apartment building had three security systems:

The first one was a metal, European style door. The door automatically pulls open when his car got near. Behind the metal doors was a small garden, and three tall apartment buildings, each with thirty floors, stood in the middle of it.

The second security system was the facial recognition device at the entrance of the parking lot. The door only opened when it recognized the car owner as Yu Zhan. This underground parking lot was carefully designed; even the walls and the floors were expensive ceramic tiles.

The third security level was the fingerprint verification at the entrance of the elevator. The doors only opened when Yu Zhan's fingerprints were verified, and there was another verification system when he pressed on the buttons inside the elevator.

Yu Zhan told Liu Man, "There's only one apartment on every floor, and there is no other door in between the elevator and the rooms, which is why there are many security systems to ensure safety."

Liu Man considered herself as someone who had been living under a rock. Even the original Liu Man hadn't seen such a luxurious place, not to mention Liu Man herself was from ancient China.

Yu Zhan's home was on the top floor of the building. A black shadowed rushed towards the duo as soon as the elevator doors opened. Liu Man was intimidated and jumped back, but Yu Zhan, as if he had predicted this, opened his arms to catch the dog.

Paul, stretching out his long tongue, licked his owner's face madly, "All right, all right. Stop licking me," Yu Zhan looked as if he was disgusted, but he still meticulously and affectionately pulled the dog's head away from himself.

Paul huffed, stretched out his tongue, and looked at his owner subserviently.


It was from Daylight!

Liu Man lowered her head to see the kitten, who had come up to her feet out of nowhere. She was raising her head and looking at Liu Man with her big watery eyes. She then started rubbing her owner's pants with her face. Liu Man felt as if her heart was going to melt.

''my heart is already melting aaa''

Transmigration of the Famous Cyberstar (1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin