Vol. 2.3 | The Moon

Start from the beginning

"We'll leave you to rest now. Let's go, Ron," Hermione takes Ron's hand, pulling him out of the room. But he stops her, as he turns back to say to me again, "Harry," He calls out, then continues, "Don't beat yourself up for it. It's not your fault."

And the couple leaves.

I begin to talk, looking up at the moon. Acting as if she could hear me. As if she's there behind the moon talking bavk to me. "Hey, Y/n.. I know it's been four years since you left. But.. But i just- How am i supposed to love again when it's not you? How am i supposed to find someone else?"

"I love you. So so so much. Professor Mcgonagall was right. Your first love always stays with you."

"I hope you're on the other side of the moon, talking to me too. But are you even there, Y/n? Or am i just being an idiot right now?"

"How are you doing up there? Are you with my mum and dad? Sirius? Are you happy without me?"

y/n malfoy.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

I shout loudly, when i can't find the pan of treacle tart i had just baked earlier. I looked all around the kitchen, the dining room, nothing. I baked treacle tart, to remind me of Harry. It's always Harry.

My amortentia still smells like him. How i remember he smelled like, at least. The scent was definitely over powered by treacle tart. I used to bake the tart everyday for him, it's his favourite food after all. And we sort of joked that i couldn't bake treacle tart for other guys because it was our thing. But i'm afraid i took that seriously.

"What? What happened?" Draco, who is sitting on the sofa with Blaise, asks. They shift their views from the TV screen, that is showing a quidditch match, to a flustered me pacing around the dining room. Blaise turns back and asks too, "Y/n, what's going on?"

"Oh my--" I gasp as i come to the realization. I stomp into my bedroom, finding Theo lying on my bed while reading a book. A comic book. I say to him as i enter the room, "Theodore fucking Nott, i know it was you."

"Y/n, just sod off," Theo complains in annoyance, rolling around my bed, trying to avoid me as he still clutches the book. I snatch the book from his hand, revealing his face. I scowl at the Nott boy, before throwing the book away, "What the fuck is this? A comic book?"

"You're so fucking annoying. I didn't do anything!" Theo groans, as i pull him to get up from my bed, "Yes you most certainly did something you dumbass."

"What did i even fucking do?" Theo asks, in a mix of confusion and annoyance. I state, exclaiming, "The tart!" Theo furrowed his eyebrows, and asks again,

"You ate my treacle tart!" I say to him, and Theo's eyebrows shoot up instantly, his eyes widening as he asks, "Oh that was yours?"

"YES! THIS IS MY HOUSE OF COURSE IT WAS MINE!" I angrily shout at him, while stomping out of my room, back into the living area where Draco and Blaise are.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Theo chases after me, trying to apologize.

"So you were just unaware that the place you're in is called MALFOY Manor?" I turn back and ask him, emphasizing on Malfoy. He ate from my bloody kitchen like it was nothing. Well, my mum maybe let him do it, but certainly not me!

"I mean, there are multiple Malfoys--" Theo tries to reason, but gives up when he sees the look on my face, stopping his own sentence. I cross my arm and shake my head, "That's no excuse for the tart."

Then i walk away from him, and Theo tries to catch up with me again, shouting as he chases after me, "Look, i'm sorry! I'll bake another for you!"

"Your baking tastes like shit," I insult, and that insult was not a lie. Theo furrows his eyebrows, and the offended expression can clearly be seen on his face. "You don't know that!" He shrugs defensively.

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