Your blood froze at the picture displayed on the screen. It was from Yaku's Instagram story, posted the night before. People around you started noticing the two of you, whispering and pointing.

The picture was of you on the bus, Tetsurou holding you in his arms.

You clicked off his phone and set your jaw. Domoto ran up to you, holding up her phone with the same picture on it.

"I knew you two were together!" she exclaimed.

"No, I- We-" You sighed, looking past Domoto, catching sight of Yaku's head in the crowd.

"YAKU YOU LITTLE BITCH!" You streaked down the hallway after him, brushing past Domoto and ignoring Tetsurou calling you back.

You caught up with him and picked him up by his shoulders, slamming against the lockers.

"What. The fuck. Is this," you seethed, showing him the picture.

He started struggling and shaking his head. "I- let me explain!"

"No amount of explanation could make up for this!" you said, shoving him against the lockers again.

"Hey!" Tetsurou barked, putting his hand on your shoulder. You turned to him, still holding Yaku against the lockers. Suddenly, he grabbed your waist with two hands and shoved you against the wall, making you drop Yaku onto his feet.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed, bringing his face close to yours.

"I'm so fucking done with him! He's been trying to get us together from day one-"

"I don't give a shit," he said. "That doesn't mean you can hurt him."

You sucked your teeth and glared into his angry eyes. He was pissed.

You shoved him off you and stormed away.

| • • • |

"Morisuke, you good?" Tetsurou asked, helping him pick up his dropped books.

The shorter boy nodded. "Thanks for covering for me."

Tetsurou creased his brow and crossed his arms. "Bro, why would you do that? You know how she feels about this kind of thing." The kouhai didn't meet his eyes.


"I promise, it was an accident! didn't mean to send it to that story, and then I couldn't figure out how to take it down..."

Tetsurou gave him a disappointed look. "So why'd you take those pictures in the first place?"

He shrugged. "The two of you would be so cute together."

Tetsurou sighed as red tinted his cheeks. "She doesn't like me that way, Morisuke."

Yaku gave him a knowing look. "Are you sure about that?"

Tetsurou just shook his head and walked off to class.

| • • • |

A lunch tray clattered onto the table you were sitting at. You glanced up to see Tetsurou and rolled your eyes. You wanted to be left alone.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asked. You ignored him and continued eating your lunch.

"Silent treatment, huh." He started digging into his food.

"Fuck. Off," you muttered, pushing your food around on your plate.

"At least you'll still swear at me." He grinned, but you just shook your head. There was a beat of silence as the two of you ate.

"Look," he said, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" you said flatly, clenching your jaw. You glared into his eyes. "You were just... protecting your friend, right?" You didn't try to hide the venom in your voice.

He sighed. "[Y/N], I-"

"I don't wanna hear it," you interrupted, getting up to find another table.

"[Y/N]!" He got up with you and put his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared into his flaxen eyes.

You looked back down. It was too hard to stay mad at him. "Don't apologize," you mumbled. "It was my fault, anyway. I shouldn't have... reacted that way."

You looked back up and he grinned, pulling you into a tight hug. Your heart pounded. "Tetsurou!"

He pulled back and raised an eyebrow at you. "What? Was there something wrong with that?"

"We're in public," you growled. You sat back down.


"You're gonna feed the rumours, you fucking idiot!" You whacked his head lightly.

You turned back to your food, and he smiled at you.

He didn't know how to tell you that he was in love with you.

| • • • |

i'll never forget you // {kuroo x reader}Where stories live. Discover now