Obito and Kakashi

Start from the beginning

Hug means everything to me. Obito said.

Then can I hug you ? Kakashi asked.

Touch me and I will kill you. Obito said.

There you go again. So what are you planning to do ? Kakashi asked.

What am I planning to do ? I'm not sure. I don't even know if I can win her heart. Kakashi what do you thinking is my good traits ? Obito asked.

Hmmmm let's see........ I have no idea. Kakashi said.

What if Shisui stole her from me ? Everything will be over for me. Obito said.

Shisui is still a kid. It's true that he is smarter than you and more mature than you but don't worry everything will be alright. Kakashi smiled.

And that is supposed to make me happy ? What am I compare to others ? Obito asked.

You are just stupid that's all. Kakashi said.


Who are you calling stupid ?!!! It looks like you forget that I'm stronger than you now Bakashi. Obito said.

Oh is that so ? But I'm not here to fight you. Kakashi said.

Yes I should not say that. Kakashi I need your help with something. Obito said.

You ?! I'm not sure if I can help you but I will try. So what do you need to help with ? Kakashi asked. with you know Rin ? How can I get her to love me. I don't know that to do. Obito said.

Obito you are asking me ? I'm glad you asked. I was waiting for this moment. Finally. Now it's time. I will share with you something that I never shared with someone. As my best friend you are worthy to know. Kakashi said.

What is it ? Tell me ! What is it ? Just tell me ! Obito said all excited.

This is my treasure. It's Icha Icha Paradise ! Kakashi pulled book from his pocket.

Are you kidding me ? I'm serious about this ! I'm not reading that damn porn book ! I'm trying to to get her to love me and not how to get her in bed ! Obito yelled.

Now now calm down. This book will help you how to get woman all over you. Trust me I read it so many times. Don't you want to know how to please woman ? Kakashi giggled.

Enough ! I have enough of this ! I will think of something by myself. Obito walked away.

Oh really ? Hmm that's too bad. Because there are things like, that will make every woman happy. Kakashi said.

I don't care. Obito said.

Obito it looks like you really didn't read this book. There are a lot of tricks and how to flirt too. Oh and I'm sure Rin would love this if you would do what is written on this page. Kakashi said.

Obito stopped walking. He came closer to Kakashi and snatched the book from Kakashi's hands. He started reading one page.So let's see nicknames for your girlfriend. My kitten ?!! Nope I'm not doing this ! Obito dropped the book. No no Obito what are you doing ? My treasure. Kakashi picked his book.

Give it another chance. I will lend you this book for one day so you can read it. Kakashi said.

Will it really help me ? Obito asked.

Of course. I know there is some pages that might help you. Kakashi said. Okay I will take that book but if it's all about porn then I will burn that. Obito said.

I think I love you more ( Obito x Rin ) Where stories live. Discover now