An unexpected reaction

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-(He blushed, Shizu chan blushed! Considering his behavior, it must have been his first kiss!! Hahaha! I feel like playing this little game with him again. I finally found something that torments him enough to make him blush!)

Meanwhile, Shizuo settled in the same place of the flea at Shinra's, relieved that he hadn't managed to throw the sofa at Izaya to kill him.

- "Hey, what was the flea doing here? It's not often that he comes to see you, he had to decide to come at the same time as me.."

The underground doctor unbuttoned his shirt to examine his body, a sad look on his face. He sighs

- "..Can't you two ever get along?"

- "I don't know how to get along with a scum like him... He pisses me off."

Shinra sighs, sad that his two best friends can't get along, then smiles while watching his healthy body.

- "Shizuo.. you're incredible, can I dissect one of your arms or at least analyze a sample of your-"

The blond cut him off in his freaky scientific impulse.

-"Please stop, I'm not one of your experimental subjects.. Why are you still trying to dissect me.?"

- "No matter what shock your body faces, you're never seriously injured! It's incredible Shizuo!! Nobody else who's human is capable of being so resistant!"

The debt collector sighed, used to the speeches of his scientific friend.

Shinra shakes his head a bit and keep healing him

"Whatever.. I'll still heal the scratches on your skin, you don't hurt anywhere else?"

- "No, I'm fine."

Shizuo thought about what Tom had said: You should go see Shinra to talk to him, advices of a friend is always valuable
He hesitated for a moment, then broke the silence.

-"hey.. Shinra"

- "mh?"

-"Let's pretend something, ok? If.. If someone kisses you, even if that person wants to hurt you from the bottom of his heart and hates you a lot, does that mean that this person loves you.?"

He looked away so that he wouldn't meet his friend's eyes.
Shinra continued to disinfect his wounds, a slight smile appeared on his face.

- "Well.. It depends on your relationship and the situation in which you kissed, love is something complex, only that person could tell if that kiss was sincere or not.."

He approached him curiously

"So, tell me tell mee, does that mean there's love in the air~? Shizuo, I really hope you will be happ-"

The blond man prevented him from speaking, visibly annoyed, feeling a sense of embarrassment deep down inside.

- "I- No, I don't like him, I mean... I can't, I really don't want to."

Shinra keep smiling, surprised

- "'Him'~? Shizuo, Do I know him?"


Shizuo got up, and buttons up his shirt.
Shinra sighs as he left the apartment

-(Damn. Shinra is good friend, but he really is too curious. Stupid flea.. not even in a dream!! God, why is it so embarrassing?? I don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to think about it anymore.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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