Chapter one: prince of the stratosphere

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Earth was a marvelous planet. It's shining attractions were its two continents. They had no names, despite many dubbing these two continents the "old world", and the "new world". In between these two worlds however, stood a ridiculously large pinnacle. It was rumored to stretch past the heavens, and end at the very edge of the atmosphere. Many humans called this historical monument, "the ruined pinnacle", mostly due to it becoming worn down by erosion. The ruined pinnacle stood tall over the two continents, like a castle looming over its kingdom. However, something was seen rocketing towards the pinnacle, leaving a streak of red across the sky. The strange creature landed on the very top of the pinnacle, dropping a dead Ludroth. the creature landed, planting one of his front forelegs on the Ludroth carcasses chest. This creature was known as a valstrax. Valstrax were elder dragons that could convert dragon energy into fuel, which helped them fly at jaw-dropping speeds. The valstrax looked up at his offspring, who were bickering as usual. "I swear to whoever resides in the heavens, those two are young adolescents, and yet they still act like children." The valstrax said. The valstrax sauntered up to his offspring, and tossed the dead ludroth at their feet. "What on earth are you two squabbling over now?" The valstrax said. "Father, Valka was disobeying you. She left the pinnacle to do whatever the heck she wanted, and didn't return for hours." The male valstrax said. "Lies. He has no proof of this." Said Valka, who was the female offspring of the adult male valstrax. "Soren, how do I know you are telling the truth?" The male valstrax said. Soren was about to respond, when his sister hit him on the shoulder. "He isn't telling the truth father, he can't recall what happened if his life depended on it." Valka said. "Well... that is true..... in some cases at least." The valstrax said to himself.He turned to his son, who tried to explain, but could only stutter. "I expected better from you Soren. You know that lying is wrong." The valstrax said. Soren nodded, lowering his head to hide his face. Soren watched his father take to the skies once more, resuming his search for food. Soren gave an annoyed glare at Valka, who had a smug grin on her face. "Did you really think father would believe you over me?" Valka said, swallowing a piece of flesh from the dead ludroth. "Shut up." Soren said. Valka went back to eating the dead ludroth, still having a smug grin on her face. Soren moved to the edge of the pinnacles summit, and wondered why Valka would always be keen on leaving home to  reside at unknown places that Soren's father had strictly forbidden both him and her to going to. "Why does father always blame me for my sisters wrongdoings? I'm his son after all." Soren said. Soren sat alone with his thoughts, when he noticed his father returning. His father seemed to look slightly different then he did in the ten minutes he had been gone. Soren stood up to ask his father about the new scar that had formed across his eye, when Valka suddenly shoved him aside. "Father, what happened to you?" Valka said. "I was attacked by some lesser creature." The valstrax said. Soren, worried about the wound across his fathers eye, immediately began questioning his father, much to the silent protest of Valka. "Why did it attack you father? That doesn't sound like something that a normal monster would do, against an elder dragon no less." Soren said, his wings beginning to grow warm with draconic energy. "I don't know exactly, but it seemed more aggressive than usual." The valstrax said. Soren was about to ask more questions, when his father silenced him. "I understand your concern Soren, but I am fine." The valstrax said, laying down to rest. As Soren's father drifted off to sleep, Soren flew down to the lower parts of the pinnacle, keen on resting anywhere that didn't involve him being near his sister. Soren and Valka were never close, even as children. Soren mostly disliked his sister because of how often she lied to his father about him, and how she would harass him whenever his father left to find food. As Soren lay on the cliff side near the summit of the pinnacle, he pondered over why someone would want to attack his father. Soren theorized that it would have most likely been a deviljho, seeing as how the nomadic theropods were notorious for being ravenous demons. "If it was most likely a deviljho, then I doubt it will be much of a problem. Father could surely kill one easily." Soren said. As Soren laid his head on the ground to rest, he had an uneasy feeling that something was wrong, and that it would relentlessly hunt him for as long as he lived.

Terragar sat in a grassy plain near the ruined pinnacle, waiting for Valka to come down from the summit of the pinnacle. Terragar then found his sensors detecting Valka's presence. "Ah, you finally decided to show up." Terragar said. "It's not my fault that Soren stalks me." Valka said, landing near Terragar. "So, you said that your father lives here, am I correct?" Terragar said, shifting his wing-arms. "Indeed." Valka said. Terragar grinned at this. "Well, then I guess that deviljho I infected earlier today will be of some use after all." Terragar said. "Wait, why would you infect that stupid theropod?" Valka said. "Deviljho are living extinction events. He fought your father once, he can certainly do it again." Terragar said. "Well, he did give my father a scar, which is impressive for a gluttonous cretin." Valka said. Terragar chuckled, reminiscing over the many times he and Soren's father had fought each other. "I remember your father rather well. The two of us are rivals." Terragar said. "You've mentioned that more than a hundred times." Valka said. "Well yes, but back to the current topic. When your father comes down from that stupid pinnacle, We can set Alatreon's plans into motion." Terragar said. "Sounds great." Valka said. Terragar grinned, knowing full well that his plan would greatly assist Alatreon's dreams of conquest.

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