Told ya

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(Levi POV)
"alright brats time to go to court"
*tch I'm not getting that y/n*
"Yes captain"
"Go get that other brat"
" yes captain "
(Eren POV)
Y/n it's time for court
Ugh she groaned cmon y/n let's go
Ok fine.
(Y/n POV)
Eren came in my room to get me to go to court we're walking out the house when I feel someone is hiding somewhere (btw this is befor season 4)
"Ya y/n ?"
"Do u feel someone or some people watching us "
" no wait what ho -wh- what- how do u feel someone watching- no y/n no ones watching u- Y/N!"
(Narrator POV)
Y/N runs up to levi
"I get it I'm short"(btw this is while there riding horses and walking)
"No that's not it"
"Then what do u want"
"Someone is watching us"
"No ones watch-"
Random cadet:" CAPTAIN we spotted the armored titan "
"Shit"levi said
"Uhh do u know how to use this gear stuff"
"What no why"
"Damit I have to think think thin-"
"LEVI!!! clam down I'll learn "
"No u won't because the last thing i need I s u dying because I still have to kick u "
" trust me I don't plan on dying"
(Y/n POV)
*all I see is people swinging in the air and big ugly things they call titans* I'm running to Eren to get his gear
"Eren let me use ur gear"
"Just turn into a titan and give me ur gear"
"Ok ok "
I got Erens gear but while I'm putting it on a loud explosion is behind me then a titan appears
(Levi POV)
"Gosh damnit Eren I didn't give u orders "
"Sorry captain I told Eren to do that but we gotta kill some titans " y/n said that right in front of me
"All right everyone you know what to do
" you just have to figure it out"
(Y/n POV )
What dose tha- ohhh he ment the gear . So I think I just push this-gahhhh i just got pulled in the air and I'm swinging around
"Woohoo this is awesom-
Some big hand just grabbed me
All I heard was Eren, Misaka,armin screaming what I think is my name
But all it sounded like is when my town got hit by titans
And I wasn't gonna let that happen again.
(Levi POV) *we killed all the titans but the armored titan got her*
I just stood there in shock I don't know why I was shocked but I was " I knew I should have took her with me"
"I. Hate. These. Stuipd. TITANNNN!!!!!!" That's what y/n said as she cut up the armored titans hands
(Y/n POV )
I don't what just happen but I cut a titans hand then stabbed him in the eyes
after that he threw me off of him and I couldn't do anything my body hand been aching when I was fighting I didn't feel the pain but now I do.
As I hit the ground my eyes only see red then I black out
To be Continued

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