Mha 13

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Name: Natalie Dove
Age: 16
Gender: female
Looks: she's pale has short brown hair that covers one of her eyes she has a scar on her cheek from training she did back in the US she wears a green turtleneck and black leggings
Hero or Villain: hero
Quirk name: liquid ice
Quirk details: she can control water in anything though right now she can only take water from air plants or a water source with more training she could be extremely powerful or extremely annoying she needs to drink water all day in order for her to use her quirk if she's dehydrated she'll pass out after twenty minutes of using her quirk
Hero or villain outfit: She doesn't have one yet but she's working on it
Hero or villain name: meltie as a reference to the name of her quirk
Crush: Bakugo
Other: she came the US to Japan to go to UA luckily she got in or she came all the way to Japan for nothing

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