Start from the beginning

Tanner: I told you you shouldn't fly that thing! Why don't you ever listen to me for once in your goddamn life!?

Tommy: Woah, Tanner, I-

Tanner: Enough!... Just... Enough... *Sniffles* Don't scare me like that ever again...

Jesse: You're fucking made of stone when you made that crash out. Get on the plane, I'll catch up with the two of you later.

Tommy: Wait.

Tanner: Don't waste time, Tommy. Come on, let's-

*Tommy pushes Tanner away from him, hard but with no force, and heads back inside the convenience store. He comes out carrying a comatose quack.*

Tommy: I caused this guy's life. It's best if you take him than me.

Jesse: Hold the fucking phone, is that the FUCKING DOCTOR?! You knocked out the DOCTOR!

Tanner: The Doctor!?... Who's the Doctor?

Jesse: *Slaps his face in disappointment and fury.* Oh my god, Tommy! Rhodes Island is gonna be mega pissed at us! And mega is a fucking understatement! His girlfriend is gonna kill us!

Tommy: I think she's his assistant.

Jesse: What-the fuck-ever! Look, put him inside the plane, before-

*Suddenly the plane exploded by the usage of dark Originium arts. From atop the building, there stands Amiya, with blank eyes filled with malicious intent, and an emotionless and cold expression, staring down at them. The atmosphere was horrific, and the group's perspective was that they're staring at death itself, coming to claim their souls for what they've done. From Amiya's perspective, she's staring at a pack of killers who maimed the man she really cared about. She broke the silence when she shouted-*

Amiya: Let go of Doktah!

*She then waved her right arm in a circular motion, which produced a weird black circle, and before you know it, she launched what seems to be a black fireball, that exploded almost between them. Tommy and Tanner freaked out and run, as Jesse returned fire. He managed to shot one of her ears off before retreating. She drops to the ground, clutching her bleeding ear as Jesse retreats with the two brothers, Tommy still carrying the doctor. A medic came to Amiya's side, but she quickly dismisses her. She then ripped off the dangling lobe of her (donkey) rabbit ear, and pointed at the retreating men.*

Amiya: Follow those killers!

[Welp, there goes their diplomatic relations. The three run over the debris and rubble of the collapsed building as the Rhode Islands operators went ham and chased after them to save their leader. Amiya, being some kind of magic caster, was able to run and shoot at the same time while maintaining careful aim. She can literally kill Tommy or Tanner, unsure about Jesse, but if she tries, Tommy will either drop and kill the Doctor by crushing him, or Tommy will kill the Doctor regardless out of rage. Or maybe Jesse would do that for them. Running a few blocks, avoiding the destroyed street junk, Jesse stayed behind.]

Tanner: Jesse?

Jesse: Hey! You junkies! Suck on my infected nuts! *Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!* Get out of here, boys!

Tommy: JESSE!

[Jesse, after killing a handful of operators and soldiers...except for Amiya, he managed to intercept a good chunk of them as he split up with the two brothers, ultimately sacrificing himself for them. Tommy and Tanner continues to run as Amiya, and a few loyal angered operators chase after them. Suddenly, as they near a street square, four men wearing white coats, with masks, wearing the reunion symbol on their left shoulders showed up, armed with bats and makeshift armour. Their reunion signs got them recognised as allies, and the four looked to where they once ran, and saw a bunch of angry girls, with their races varied. The one wearing black, possibly the leader, rallied his men to aid their comrade. They then charged through the street from where they once came in, and held them off...poorly. Well, at least they bought the two valuable time. Tanner then thought of an idea, while they were running.]

Tanner: Listen!... If we... Get the... Main reunion... To help us!... It will... Increase our... Chance of survival!

Tommy: Tanner, what...are you thinking?

Tanner: Look! I'm... Gonna go... Find them! Get... Him out of... Here!

[As they pass through another block, Tanner deters and runs a different direction, possibly to find the main reunion to help them out. Tommy looks behind him, and sees one lone operator who managed to get through the wall of white was Amiya herself. Her eyes on fire with rage, basically foaming from the mouth as she runs as fast as she can towards Tommy... Tommy took the sensible option, and fucking runs. Still holding on to the dazed up healer, while avoiding shots from Amiya's dark arts, Tommy discovered he was being flanked in all sides except for the one on his left by Rhodes Island guards. A mob ended up chasing him through several blocks, but due to adrenaline, and White eye energy, he was unable to get tired in times of distress. Back to Jesse, still getting chased by a bunch of Rhodes Island guards, he eventually stumbled upon a company of Chernobog law enforcement wearing riot gear, and using guns sold by Gustav presumably. Perhaps they're there to reinforce an overrun checkpoint, unfortunately, perhaps the reinforcing would be later, since because of Jesse's skin, and uniform was he suspected of being a reunion member, or maybe a ringleader. Jesse runs back the way he came as the riot squad dispatched the chasing Rhodes Island guards for him.]

Jesse: Nice shot, four eyes!

[Jesse taunted. The reinforcement then chased after Jesse next, and since he wasted all of his ammunition on the RI guards, well, he just has to run now. Jesse cackles while he's at it, it seems he's enjoying this. Tanner, however, well, after he discovered the main reunion force, which was, like, very far from where they were originally, they mistook him for a scientist.]

Tanner: Fellas! I need some assistance-

Crownslayer: *A hooded and masked redhead reunion ringleader shoots the ground near Tanner.* Hold it right there, doctor! You should've worn your mask today!

Tanner: What!? I'm one of you! Listen-!

Mephisto: *A white haired crazy looking individual wearing what's resembling Sophia's lab coat, raised his arm, and said-* This is for Hosea! Get him!

[Tanner, deep into misunderstanding, then tucked tail and ran as the main reunion force took a chunk out of their army to chase after him, mistaking him for the doctor. Then again, the reunion armband on Tanner's shoulder was dirtied up, and faded due to the atmosphere, and he does look like a nerd. Oh well, the three Neil Mechanics operators were all getting chased by three armies: Tommy with angered Rhodes Island staff, Jesse with Chernobog Guards, and Tanner with the reunion. What a shitshow this had turned out. Eventually, after many jukes, u-turns, desperate unwanted and reluctant self-defence kills; except for Jesse, and running for some time, the three coincidentally all met up at a dead end, of a T intersection, all surrounded in all sides.]

Tanner: Why're you still carrying him!?

Tommy: Do you want to me kill him!?

Amiya: No! Let him go now!

*From Tommy's side of the streets, Amiya caught up with them, aiming her glowing hand towards them, and missing a chunk out of one of her ear. Tanner decides to aim his emergency rifle at her...and the reunion members who chased him. Speaking of which, they all halted to a stop as soon as they got the two cornered. Jesse then did a dive roll, and aimed both of his now reloaded revolvers at the well-armed guards who caught up.*

Mephisto: Is that Jesse?

Jesse: Hey, kiddo!... Still a lunatic now, are we?

Tanner: You fucking know them, Jesse?

Jesse: Boy, I've been all around the world, few certain areas, I ain't able to get through... It excludes your mom.

Crownslayer: Oh!

Chernobog riot control captain: Stop right there, infected scum! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence!

Jesse: Does lead count, partner?

*The rest of the Rhodes Island force, well, what's left of em', showed up.*

Kal'tsit: Now, I do recall the Doc having a name for something like this.

Jesse: It's an impasse, Cow tits. *Winks*

Tanner: Is this how we die, Tommy?

Tommy: Maybe...

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