(22) Sitting Ducks

Start from the beginning

I had the doctor set her bed up in my office because since that day that is where I spent most of my time. It was hard to get any work done though, because all I wanted to do was stare at her in hopes that she would wake up. But it never happened, her condition was stable and showed very little chance of ever changing. She might be in a coma for the rest of that beautiful life of hers. Never would I be able to share a memory with her again. We would never get married, never have children, and never grow old together.

Nope. She might be in that bed for the rest of it. And even though my father had tried to get me to move on I could never. He tried to enforce the clam he had over me, the one were he got to pick my mate. Silly me had messed up his planes before by finding my actual mate, and that ass hole wanted to set me up with that other fucking alpha's daughter. To say I hated my father was an understatement. How could he not understand that I could never love anyone the way I loved Leann? I had tried to explain it to him as if he were in my shoes and mom was Leann. His only response was that he would do what was best for the pack. They needed a strong Luna and they needed her now. After that I lost all respect for him, I had never used my alpha authority over him until then either. If he brought it up ever again then there would be severe consequences.

I made my way out the door and didn't even bother taking off my cloths. I shifted and heard them tear then I quickly sprinted into the woods leaving the remains of them behind. Since Leann had been in a coma I had built up a lot more endurance to go along with my new muscle. I could run ten times faster than I could before and could do it without breaking a sweat. I was off to torture that monster and I didn't want anyone but the guards around me when I did it. I may be a different person now, but when I was with him I was in a dark place. A place so dark it took me hours to come out of it.

Renee Town's (Liam's mom) POV

"Damon I'm worried about him." I could feel the frown on my face increase as I slowly become more sad my the second. He had changed so much in a little over a month and a half and it was scaring me, I just wanted my baby boy back.

"He should just listen to me! We need a damn Luna and the one laying in that bed in his office isn't doing shit to help any of us." The shock on my face was sure to be astronomical.

"Damon, his mate is still alive and you want him to just forget about her? How could you even consider that? What if that were me? Would you just give up on me that easy?" I couldn't believe what my husband was saying, he could be a cruel man sometimes. But never anything this bad. If Liam were to cheat on his mate when she was alive not only would it kill her but he would never be able to live with himself and would end up going crazy and end up dead himself. Where he saw the silver lining in that I wasn't sure.

"Honey you know I would do whatever was best for the pack..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could he say that? I was his wife, his best friend, the mother to his only child, and he would be willing to give that all up just because I would be in a coma.

"I cant even look at you right now Damon. How could you ever say anything so cruel to me. After twenty eight years I expected different of you." I had shed so many tears in the last ninety days but I had never wanted to cry as bad as I did then. I looked at him one last time before turning and running to our room. I did not want to look at him right now, I was his mate. How could he even say something like that without considering how painful that would be for the both of us.

I couldn't even imagine what Liam was going through right now. Actually I could never imagine what he had gone through the whole time Leann has been in his life. At first he had to share his mate, which let me tell you had to be close to impossible. But then he has to go on with his life knowing that he may never talk to her again. Sure she was alive, but that wasn't doing anything for him. I guess it was making him a stronger alpha, but I didn't like that side of him. No one did. He was my baby and I didn't like him acting like all the rest of those alphas. He was the sweet but strict one. But now all he had left in him was the strict side, and it was killing me to know there was nothing I could do to help my son out.

I really didn't understand how he was doing it though, an alphas bond with his mate was so strong that if you even so much as went an hour without seeing each other you wouldn't be able to feel your insides because you were in so much pain. That might explain why he was so about bulking up now, and training everyone even harder than Damon ever had as alpha. My son was turning into the alpha Damon always wanted him to be, that was one of the reasons he gave him the position so young. But he was acting to much like his father and it was killing me. I don't want him to make the same mistakes Damon did by being to focused on the pack.

And even though Liam and Leann had only been official mates, just the two of them, for a few days I loved them together. Leann is everything I could have ever wanted for my son, even when she was human. I knew she was his mate from the first time he had came home because of the way he reacted to her scent alone. He had ignored everything I was trying to tell him and when he came into my room later that day he was burning up more than usual.

I softly chucked to myself because we already ran so much hotter than humans. But his forehead was so hot it just proved to me more so that I had been correct about Leann being his mate weather he wanted to except it or not. I wasn't to worried about it though because I knew eventually the pull would become to strong and he wouldn't be able to stay away from her. What I hadn't anticipated was Leann having another mate. No one could have predicted it, because it had never happened before.

I couldn't be sure who she would pick so I tried telling her that she couldn't be with Kyle. But of course Damon's word meant more to any of them then my own did. Liam didn't know this but his father also knew that Leann was his mate from the moment he saw the both of them together. And he didn't like it, he thought that his son deserved better than a human for a mate. Damon had been pushing the whole mate from another alphas territory since Liam was about eight years old and never let up on it. That was another reason he didn't like Leann to much, because he wanted Liam to do better as an alpha than he had. And everyone knew that an alpha with two packs was an extremely powerful one, one you didn't mess with.

Sure I had met the other girl that Damon wanted for Liam. She was beautiful and smart, but she was no Leann. Leann and Liam were perfectly made for each other and the moment Damon realized that it would make it so much easier on the rest of us.

"Renee open the door! Honey I'm sorry! Please don't be angry with me, I made a mistake saying those things and I didn't mean them. But think about it Renee without a luna at his side our pack is a bunch of sitting ducks waiting to get attacked."

"Really Damon? Because he seemed to be doing just fine before he had a mate, so what makes it so much different now that she is in a coma? Hmm? Because when she wakes up she will show you. She will be the best god damn luna there has ever been!"

Hey everyone(: So this one was pretty long and I feel like it was pretty well written as well. I could have never imagined that I would have got the response I did to this book, and I would like to personally thank all of you for sticking with it even when it seemed like I had given up on it. Thank you again, I love you all! ((:

Oh and Merry Christmas everyone!!!! (((:

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