it's 11:11 while I'm writing this

12 2 7

I don't know what I'm doing
I've never know what I'm doing
It's not that late...
in the long scheme of things it's not that late anyway...
What am I doing
No one is even going to see this
Besides for probably my friends
Hi Jordan and Aris
If you know me sound off in the comments
It's not 11:11 anymore
I'm sad now :(
I probably should write like a poem about my feeling or a short story
But I don't have a single creative bone in my body

I feel bad for any of you guys that aren't my friends and are reading this expecting something interesting and instead you get the almost midnight ramblings of someone sleep deprived

My phone is about to die
That's annoying
I refuse to plug it in because it means I would have to move
Not worth it tbh

I wish I could sleep
I can't sleep
My mind won't turn off
No one else in discord is awake
This is so sad alexa play despacito
I don't even own an alexa
Oh no now I have that song by weezer stuck in my head
You know the one where he sings about being lost in the woods

Wait nope nevermind it's been replaced by Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads
I want to claim I've lost my mind but at the same time that seems cliche
I should add that to the list of tags for this dumb thing
This isn't cliche at all
But why not
It could be fun
How do I have almost 300 words
If school was this easy I wouldnt have procrastinated so much

I wonder how many of my friends read this to end
I'll never know
Unless they tell me
I'm going to leave this chapter here but I might post more chapters and continue confusing everyone
Who am I kidding I'll probably forget
...or will I....

Oh one more thing here's a frog in the chapter header thingy I named him Peter

Frogs are cool with the kids nowadays aren't they??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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