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'Roar' by Katy Perry played throughout my room, causing me to wake from my slumber. I groaned rolling over so I could see the clock that shined with three numbers. 6:30 am. I looked down at my feet seeing my only friend Leroy. He was a brown and black basset hound and he was so cute. I hit the off button on my clock, pushing my comforter off my body and stood up heading into my bathroom. This house was huge, one of the biggest in the small little city in Arizona. I turned on the shower, throwing my pajamas in a laundry basket and climbing it. People see my name, and say "Hey! That's Vallory's daughter." My dad is known worldwide for his car dealership, Valley Rides, and his brand of car Valley. His brand of car is a sport type with a hint of like college girl car, I guess you could say. I'm one of the richest kids in my school, Mount View Heights, but that doesn't mean anything. I don't want it to mean anything, but I just want a friend. Why is it so hard- my throat started to burn and a pinch behind my eyes, I am not going to cry over that.

After showering and getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and slipped my glasses on.  I then pulled a brush through my hair making it somewhat better and grabbed my books heading down into the kitchen, my stomach craving the eggs aroma which floated around the house. Leroy followed me down and my dad stood before the stove with two pans on it. One for eggs, the other a pan of cooked bacon. There are four pieces of toast in the toaster, and my dad grabbed two of them, the eggs and a few pieces of bacon and put that on a plate. He went to the fridge grabbing the orange juice and poured it in a cup, grabbing both the cup and plate tuning around and setting it on the table in front of me.

"Good morning sweetheart." My dad called out smiling down at me with his brown, almost black eyes.

"Morning dad." I replied smiling back with my blue eyes skimming across my selection as my fingers grabbed my fork taking a bite of eggs first. We were complete opposites in features but he knew me more than anyone. He was truly, and sadly, the only friend, I had in this world. My dad got a plate sitting beside me as we discussed what movie we were to watch tonight. Every Thursday was movie night, no compromises. His phone rang as he excused himself and walked into his office answering the call in a complete different tone. I sighed getting up and placing my empty plate in the sink. I then grabbed all my stuff and headed out after kissing Leroy goodbye. The bus doesn't come up this way and even though my dad owns a car dealership he never let me get one, so I walk the mile to school, it wasn't bad, it was just a mile anyway.

Once I reached the outskirts of the school I took in a breath. I've been doing this for eight years. My mom died on year two, making me go through the next six alone. I could never bring myself to tell my dad, no clue what he would do. I braced myself knowing it wasn't any different from the past years. I walked through the parking lot avoiding the stares, laughs, fingers and conversations about me.

"Hey look everybody it's the schools nerd!" That was the only voice I could not ignore. Blayne Shelt, the schools number one male bachelor. He was hot, and he worked for my dad, so I thought maybe we could get to know each other. Of course, like all the other times that associate with him, I was wrong. He stepped into my line and out of my line of walking, causing me to stumble and fall onto the steps leading into the building. No shocker that the entire student body saw and laughed. My cheeks grew hot with rage, and my braces ripped my top lip a little bit as I hit my head against my arm. I took in a calming breath  as I collected my things and kept my head down until I reached my locker.

I spun the lock reaching all three numbers before pulling it open depositing off my bag and books, only keeping my AP Lit book, my notebook and my Calculus book. I shut my locker turning to head to wing three, where all the English teachers were, and bumped into someone. My books fell to the ground for the second time today.  I looked up and met blue, almost grey, eyes. My breath caught seeing his smirk, he leaned down our noses almost touching. He smiled at me and he went to lean down and I closed my eyes knowing this had to be some sort of dream. My assumptions were correct once I felt the cold substance hit me just below my throat. I opened my eyes to see the entire student body laughing at me. I looked around and saw Blayne laughing before kissing Annabelle Laike, his girlfriend and school bachelorette. I sighed looking down at my clothes, seeing the slushy bleed through my white tank top. Thankfully some luck was on my side and the slushy missed my textbooks all together. I bent down to pick them up the bell ringing and opened my locker again grabbing the gym bag I also had in my locker filled with three extra pants and shirts.

I walked into the bathroom setting my books in the corner and headed for a stall, changing my shirt and pants. Once I was finished I rinsed out my shirt and pants before putting them in a plastic bag, which are always stored in my gym bag. I walked out of the bathroom depositing my clothes to my locker and headed to AP Lit.

Lunch came with a drag, it always does. I grabbed my bagged lunch from my locker and my books for the rest of the day before heading to my spot on the wall just out front. I tried making friend the first day of school freshman year, but they all walked away. I sighed playing with half of a Fluff and Jelly sandwhich I didn't touch yet. Somehow I got very uncomfortable and I had to look around. As usual though, I was the only one out here. I finished my sandwich and threw the bag in the trash heading into the school for second half, just as the bell rang.

I entered the Physics lab and sat in the front corner, the back taken by Blayne, Annabelle and their 'possy'. The teacher came in and started briefing us on what we were going to learn today.

"Hey I bet Remy already knows this Fate!" Annabelle said to our physics teacher in which everyone laughed. Mr. Fate glared at Annabelle and turned to the board.

"Write this down, these are important notes." I sighed opening my notebook and scribbled down what he wrote on the board. Something hit my shoulder and landed on my desk. I sighed hearing the muffled laughter from behind me. Was there something so bad about me, that people won’t befriend me?

The class ended all but 60 minutes later and I packed up my stuff going to my locker. I put away my book and took out my bag and gym bag, I needed to add more clothes to it. I also grabbed everything I would need for my homework before closing it and wanting to get home. Of course luck wasn't on my side and I ran into Annabelle and her two bitches. Mia and Lauren. I sighed looking down but Annabelle pulled my head up and took off my glasses breaking them in half. Great. Now everything was blurry. She threw them on the floor walking away with a laugh. I sighed looking at the ground and feeling to find them. Once I did I used the tape in my bag to fix them so I could walk home. Alone. I had soccer practice on Tuesdays and Fridays, games were on Wednesdays, and tournaments on the weekends. Even though I am on the soccer team, that didn't stop anybody from being my friend or to talk to me.  That's how it will always be for me.

   *     * *

When my dad got home around 6, he started cooking the chicken on the grill while I started the broccoli and tomato basil pasta. My mom would take up the sides but, she died when I was nine. I am now seventeen, a senior and 5 colleges ready to have me. My dad came in with the ranch flavored chicken just as the pasta finished. We talked about our days and when my dad asked about mine, I did my usual thing and lied. Telling him my best friend Lola, who didn't even exist, was having boy troubles and that classes were okay, my grades still a 3.98 GPA. He just smiled at me and ruffled my already frizzy black hair.

Around 8, I was in my pajamas and settling on the couch next to Leroy with my dad as he inserted the movie 'We Are The Millers'. Halfway through the beginning of the movie when they got to the border my dad made a comment. "It is very unlikely that they would just let them go after being pulled over. Those situations are tough and you gotta make sure you are smooth and are calm and cool." I stared at him a moment before returning back to the story line. He makes weird comments sometimes about drugs and stuff. Then he would do something a dad would, something like cover my eyes when the boys junk was shown. I laughed pulling his hand away as he went to pop some popcorn for us even though the movie was near to being done. When the movie finished my dad kissed my forehead goodnight and went up to his room as I went and got a glass of water taking a sip before heading upstairs to my room. "Night Dad." I called out letting Leroy enter my room first.

"Night darling, sleep tight." He called out, the light from under his door disappearing as I entered my room. I closed my door, turned my fan on, took my glasses off and climbed into bed, Leroy sleeping by my feet. Tomorrow is the last day until the weekend. A lonely weekend. Then five more days of hell. Sighing I tried to stop thinking and let myself drift off into a sleep, the last thing in my thoughts being blue, almost grey eyes. My only thought being why can’t I just forget about him. 

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