Chapter 1 - Pilot from the Future

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I was also on my own even after I left the orphanage I didn't want to risk getting hurt since my own parents abandoned me. They sold me to an orphanage that was known for experimenting on its children, and I was only five at the time. So I didn't trust anyone, they were doing experiments to see if they could create something called a coordinator from the past which was from the Cosmic Era we were now in the Universal Era. However it wouldn't just be a coordinator they wanted a new-type coordinator but apparently they got what they wanted in me. Since my parents wanted a coordinator for a son so they could pick out his traits, so basically they got what they paid for. I was born in an artificial womb with black hair with silver streaks, rose red eyes that were like a dragons eye. The voice of an angel, strong body for martial arts, both medical knowledge and war strategies along with having a strategic mind that could undermine all my enemies, but that turned out to be the downfall of the orphanage. One day while battling out in space a black hole appeared behind me before sucking me into it with me trying to get out but with little luck so I tried my best to keep my gundam that I had named Stardust Wolf from collapsing on me before we got to our destination making me sigh when we were spat out near a colony so I secretly stored my unit in an unused hanger before coming out of my gundam. I flew to the ground before opening the airlock and going inside the colony but I was unprepared for what I found, inside was a bright blue sky with a bunch of building's so I took off my helmet letting out my long black hair with silver streaks to sway in the wind before a young man bumped into me startling me and I almost punched him. "Ah, I'm so sorry about that are you alright?" A young man with brown hair and purple eyes was standing in front of me I stopped since he seemed to give off a calming aura so it had me calming down considerably as I looked at him as I started relaxing before he grabbed my wrist before taking off down the street surprising me before we ducked into an apartment. I looked at him confused before he pulled out a few pieces of clothing before holding them out to me, "Here change into these, if anyone see's you walking around in that there going to wonder if were being invaded." I sighed shacking my head looking at him, "Isn't it to late for that since they've already seen me in this." he just smiled at me before holding them out further so I took them before he showed me where I could go and get changed which I did.

When I walked out I was standing in front of the young man wearing a red vest like shirt that had two buckles in the middle with one on the collar, the pants where kinda like blue jeans but not entirely them with two belts that crisscrossed over my right hip with the buckle in the middle he also gave me some shoes to complete the outfit but I did notice that my hair was becoming a problem so I asked the kid for some scissors and was about to cut it but he stopped me. "Wait! if you wanna cut it then I'll take you to a professional place." I sighed before nodding so he took me down to what he called a mall making me tilt my head before he asked someone if they could cut my hair short which had them nodding only to gasp when it was done which had everyone watching me making the kid smile. "What am I supposed to call you kiddo?" He blushed at that completely forgetting to tell me before he answered me, "It's Kira, Kira Yamato." I nodded committing that to memory, "I'm Kaito Asakura, I'll explain everything else when were alone again." he nodded understanding since this shouldn't get out otherwise bad things could happen.

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