Getting somewhere

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Upon waking up you're thankful you didn't dream of Tsukishima, the thoughts of him were quite enough.

You get out of bed slowly, you're still super tired but you can't afford to miss any school time at all. Sluggishly, you get ready and leave your bedroom. You go downstairs, grab an apple and leave, dawdling to school while listening to your favourite playlist.

You approach the school building and just stop, you don't really wanna be there but you know how much it means to your mum that you pass all your classes. Gazing at the giant building you get lost in your thoughts but are pulled back to reality when you hear that voice.
"(Y/N). Schools about to start. You should go inside."
Startled and stuttering you say, "Oh.. Yeah. I'm going."
You smile at him and walk into the building. "Maybe i'm overthinking it.. He was probably just trying to be helpful", you think to yourself.

You enter your first class and the day begins, it drags on but you get through it, trying your hardest in all of your classes. The end of the days approaching and its maths again. You don't even sit near Tsukishima in class so he can't help you. The whole lesson was a pain, you found it difficult to keep up and got a low score on the end of lesson test. Maths was astronomically kicking your ass. The end of class came and the teacher held you and Tsukishima back.
"So.. how was studying last night?" she says joyfully.
"Tsukishima was really helpful! I think i'm slowly beginning to understand better." you say with as much enthusiasm as possible as to please your teacher.
Tsukishima chimes in, "It was good."
He spoke almost montone so you couldn't tell if he meant what he said or not.
"So are you gonna study again tonight?"
You both looked at eachother, you panicking and letting him speak.
"Yeah we're gonna go to my place again."
"Great! Have fun you two!"
The both of you leave the room, you once again trailing behind him.

"You don't have to come study by the way, I was just saying what she wanted to hear."
"No if it's okay with you I'd like to come study i'm still not doing that well."
"Completely fine with me. Let's go."
Assuming he doesn't have practice you follow him. He would've remembered so there was no point in bringing it up.

Now that you were out of the school building and on the way to Tsukishimas house there was enough space for you to talk side by side rather than you following behind him like a lost puppy. As always you were both listening to your seperate music while walking in silence. While walking you were close enough that your arms touched every now and then. It felt safe, you were glad to be walking with him and not alone.

It had been 15 minutes, by now his house was in view and today his brother wasn't out front waiting, you were glad his brother made you feel gross. Once you'd made it to the front door he took off his headphones and turned to you, because you had just been walking to close together he was now stood extremely close to you. You blushed slightly and took off your own headphones pausing your music simultaneously. He opened the door and just as the day before you followed him up to his room.

Finally you guys spoke, "Do you wanna go over todays lesson or is there a specific topic you wanna look at?"
"Uh.. Just todays lesson, I really struggled."
"Okay so..", and he began explaining to whole lesson to you, slowly and in simple terms you understood. It was nice, you guys made jokes and talked inbetween. Today studying took a lot less time so you just talked, specifically about volleyball because you knew he enjoyed it. Topic changed to his team mates and what you guys thought of them.
"The short ginger one? I only have one class with him, english.."
"Looks like i'll be needing to tutor you for that aswell", he breaks out in laughter.
"Hey!" you giggle.
"I'm assuming Kageyamas in your english class too?"
"Yeah! He's super grumpy and ignores all the girls that try to speak to him. Oh my god.. He's like you!"
"Ouch.. I'm hurt", the blondie says sarcastically.
"Only the truthhhh" you giggle even more than before.
You wonder if he will have to tutor you for english because you definitely aren't doing that well in it, you may even be doing worse that Hinata and Kageyama. That speaks volumes. Tsukishima notices the puzzled look on your face, "You okay?"
"Yeah, I just don't know if i'll be able to handle you tutoring me for another class.", you sigh in a sarcastic tone.
"Okay I see how it is dumbass.", he says tryning to calm himself.
You both break out in laughter not being able to contain it any longer.

About an hour passes and it's time for you to leave again.
"Hm I would say I'd miss you but i'm walking you home" he rolls his eyes and chuckles softly.
"Well let's get going then."
Once again walking in silence with your seperate music. After a couple of minutes your phone dies and you can no longer hear your music. You take your headphones off and put them and your phone into your bag. Tsukishima noticed and took off his headphones aswell.
"My phone died," you speak up, "you don't have to do that."
"No it's okay, only fair."
You feel a wave of anxiety come over you, music usually frees you from this. Tsukishima must have noticed because he began walking closer to you, your shoulders touching.

After about 15 minutes you reach your house.
"Wait a minute"
He pulls out a pen and piece of paper, writing his phone number, "Text me if you need me."
"I-," you stutter, "I will."
He touches your cheek and then tells you to go inside because it's cold and dark. You turn and go inside, him watching from afar. The both of you wave to eachother as he begins to walk back home and you turn to go close the door.

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