chapter 1

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**major spoilers to "simply the best" so if you haven't read the first book yet, go read it!!**

a/n: hey guys!! welcome to line without a hook<33 turns out i was wrong in my announcement when i said i only had two chapters, i have three!! the 3rd chapters not quite done yet so i'll finish that one up soon then post it. thanks so much for being here🤍happy reading!!

*one year later*

I focused on my breathing. Attempting to keep my nerves under control I fidgeted with my hands, but to no use. I didn't know why I was so nervous, I never got like this before talk shows. Maybe it was because this was me and Roberts first time going on one as a couple, or because last time I was on Saturday Night Live I stormed out on Jimmy. A little part of me wondered why he even wanted me to come back on.

"You ready, miss?" The stage director asked.

"Yep." I took another deep breath.

"I'm positive he's not mad at you y/n." Robert said from beside me.

"I hope not."

"3, 2, 1, go!" The director whispered.

Me and Robert walked on stage to eruptions of cheers, we waved and smiled to the audience. once we got to him we both gave Jimmy a big hug.

"How are you two?" Jimmy excitedly asked.

"Good!" Me and Robert said in unison, which the audience chuckled at.

"So it's been a year, and you two lovebirds are still together. Now I normally don't brag about myself, but! I think I'm the one to take credit for this one." Jimmy laughed.

"I think you are to. You know, at the time I don't think either of us appreciated your match making," I laughed, "but we definitely do now." I glanced back at Robert.

"Yeah, I mean without you we wouldn't have had that initial greeting. And no matter how embarrassing it was, it definitely started our relationship." Robert smiled.

I forgot how much I loved his accent, I hadn't heard his voice, in real life, in months.

"Well, I can't take all the credit, but y'all are so cute. and the internet seems to love you!" Jimmy smiled.

"it's really amazing how nice and welcoming everyone has been. i was a little nervous to be honest. " i tried not to fidget.

"you know, me too. i wasn't sure how the world was going to react to you taking Australia's sweetheart off the market," everyone laughed, "but it seems like you two really love each other. i think everyone else sees that." Jimmy tilted his head to the side in awe.

*one day later*

"you got everything packed?" Robert asked.

"yeah, i think so." i made sure everything was in my suitcase.

Robert walked fully into my hotel room. he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"we're gonna have so much fun." he whispered in my ear.

i smiled just at the thought of spending 4 weeks in Africa.

line without a hook (Robert Irwin x reader) Where stories live. Discover now