Risky isnt my middle name.

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                                        "Hannah Barber!" My father yelled. I didn't respond. I was mad at my dad, my mom, and pretty much anyone else that played a part in their evil scheme. Which by the way was making me stay home on Friday night instead of where I planned on going. The brand new movie theatre down the street.

                                        "She's probably still pouting in her room." He mumbled under his breath. "She should be thankful she's not grounded!" he said just loud enough for it to sound like a yell from upstairs.

                                       Please, he should be thankful I didn't put up a bigger fight. I would probably just have done exactly what he had said too. Stay in my room and pout. Until, my best friend Ashely called.

                                        "Hey Hannah! About the movie, did you convince them?" Ashely said.

                                        "I wish... They ruined my whole night by not letting me go. What should I do?" I asked, desperate for help.

                                       " Sneak out! I'll even help you!

                                       "Are you crazy! That's the most awful idea ever! If we get caught I'd be grounded for life!"

                                      "Take a ride on the wild side Hannah! This is the biggest new thing in town! Every one will be there. Including Jake Blair!"

                                     "Well I guess it could work...... If we get caught tho, your going down with me agreed?" It was probably the most stupid idea ever but what can I say, I got a major soft spot for Jake Blair.

                                     "Agreed. Meet you in 10." Thus our wonderful and risky plan began, and looking back at it now I really wish it hadn't.

To be continued............

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