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Stacy's POV

Ever since my confession to Luke that Zander happened to walk in on(oops), they've been dating. Apparently they also had this dramatic confession where Luke revealed his feelings to Zander. It hurts to know that my crush likes someone else, but honestly, they're so cute together that it's hard to stay mad at Zander. And if Luke's happy, then I'll try my best to be happy for them as well. I just hope Luke and I can still be friends and things won't be too awkward.

Zander, on the other hand...he seems pretty mad at me. I can't really blame him, but still. It's not my fault I like Luke! You can't exactly control who you have a crush on.

I'm walking down the hall when I see Luke by his locker. My heart does a little flip when I see him. Then I remember something I wanted to ask and walk over to him. "H-hey Luke," I stutter. Sigh. I don't think my crush on him is going away any time soon.

He glances at me and smiles. "Oh, hey Stacy. What do you need?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me study? I need a bit of help and you're really smart." I say, internally sighing again at how sappy I sound.

"Oh, sure!" He agrees. "Maybe after school?"

"Sounds great! Thanks, Luke!" I say.

"No problem," He replies, smiling again.

"'Kay, bye!" I call, walking away. Ugh! Why does he have to be so sweet and cute?!

•    •    •

After school I take the bus home, leave a note to my parents, and head off to Luke's house. It's just a few blocks away, so I can walk there with my stuff pretty easily.

When I walk up to the door and knock on it, I hear barking and footsteps. A moment later, a woman opens the door.

She has long, straight, light brown hair lighter than Luke's and startling light green eyes. Her smile is kind and gentle.

"Hello," she says. "I'm Luke's mother, Kira. You must be Stacy."

I nod and say, "Nice to meet you, Kira. Where's Luke?"

"Upstairs in his room," she answers, nudging her head towards a set of wooden stairs. "Second door to your left."

I thank her and walk up the stairs, admiring the paintings lining the staircase walls. I wonder who painted them. There's a family picture painted in different shades of blues, with Kira, a man who she assumed was his father, and Luke. Wow, that's really good. It actually looks like them.

I follow Kira's directions to his room and stop, hearing voices coming from it.

"Remember that time we went camping and you freaked out over a tiny spider?" It was Luke's voice.

Then another voice came, sounding muffled as if it was over a phone. "That spider wasn't tiny! It was huge!"

Zander. Luke must be calling him. Maybe I should go... But the next words out of Luke's mouth made me freeze up.

"Oh, Zander. You're super cute when you're scared. You know that, right?"

"Y-you can't even see me!" Zander's voice stammered.

Luke laughed. "But I can imagine you."

I'm suddenly hit with an intense feeling of pain, like a tidal wave of emotion washing over me. I'm frozen for a moment, but then I start running. Good thing Kira wasn't there to ask questions. I rush through the door and run to a bench in a nearby park. The pain still hasn't gone away.

Usually when I see them together, I get a little pang in my chest, but that's about it. But this time I got super emotional over a few words they said to each other. What's wrong with me?

Maybe it was because I thought it was just going to be us studying together. I think something about hearing Luke talking to Zander on the phone when I was coming over made me feel hurt, like I was being replaced.

And then a new emotion takes over. I start feeling all mad and snarly inside, especially at Zander. Jealousy? Am I jealous?

I feel something start to bubble up inside me, but it's not an emotion. This feels too tingly. No, no, no. Keep it under control. I can't let this happen. The tingles fade, and I breathe a sigh of relief. It's gone. Now I have to make sure it doesn't come back.

I can't face Luke after what I heard, so I leave him a text instead.

Stacy: I'm gonna have to take a rain check on studying today. Maybe tomorrow?

Getting over him is going to be harder than I thought.

•    •    •

The next day.

Throughout the day, their words keep repeating in my mind. It's all I can think about. Yep, I definitely have a severe case of jealousy.

At the end of lunch, I go to my class early, but end up bumping into Zander. Quite literally. My head is way up in the clouds and I'm not paying attention to where I'm going, so we crash. Papers fly everywhere. "Oh! Sorry!" I apologize. Then I see who it is and I freeze.

"Careful where you're going," he snaps, bending down to collect his papers.

I feel a flare of temper. "Well, if you'd been paying attention, then we wouldn't have crashed. So don't just blame it on me."

He finishes gathering his papers and stands up, glaring at me. "Boyfriend thief," he mutters under his breath.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't know that you were in the middle of drama," I retort. "I was just telling him my feelings! And if you were brave enough, you would've, too!"

"I was about to!" He shouts. "And you ruined it! After all those years, I had finally mustered up the courage to tell him, and then I saw you two in there and it ruined everything!"

We both stand there, fuming. Then I grab my stuff and walk away. I barely notice the tingly feeling bubbling up in me again as I think, Coward. They're such lovebirds. Yeah, total lovebirds, that's what they are. Stupid and mushy. Well, Zander is. Not Luke. He's not stupid. But they're still lovebirds.

(Looking back, I don't know why I thought this was an insult. I was angry, and I guess I just went with the first insult-type thing that I thought of. Well, now I wish I'd thought of a different one...) 

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