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"So how are the studies coming along sweetheart?" My dad asked as we all sat down.

My parents and I went out for dinner tonight just to catch up on things since they have been busy with work and I have been busy with school.

"It's ok I guess." I'm struggling, but I don't want to tell them that cause then they'll start fussing and I just don't feel like hearing that.

"Are you improving in Korean? I could just pay for the classes YN" My mom offered.

"I know enough to get by." I said lying, not to worry my parents.

"You know enough to get by? Baby, you are in college. That's not enough."

"Dad, I'm fine ok! Can we talk about something else? Maybe like why are we still here?"

"You don't like it here?" My mom asked

"We should have moved when I was still in high school. Remember those kids who went missing?" I said remembering almost all of the kids who went missing. First Minha, then Jisoo, followed by a few other kids.

"Dear, it didn't happen to you. You shouldn't be scared." I swear this man is so insensitive at times.

"Let's just switch the topic. How is work?"

"Pretty busy. They are always trying to develop something but don't consider the finances. Well, I guess that's what I'm there for." My dad said, shaking his head.

"Everything is well with me at Hyundai." My mom replied casually. "Are you thinking about getting a job?"

"She doesn't need a job. She has us."

"Dad, I can't depend on you guys forever"

"Exactly, women like to work for what they want."

"Baby, whenever you need money, you could always ask. I don't mind paying your bills so I wouldn't mind giving you money at all and you know that." My dad said ignoring my mother.

"I've considered working. I want to be able to make my own money too. I can have both my money and your money."

"That's greedy." My dad said.

"What!? How is that being greedy?"

We had talked so much that we ended up ordering our food pretty late. It was nearly 11 pm and as we got up to leave, after paying our bill, the bells on the door chimes, and in walked three guys. I didn't pay much attention at first, but when they walked past us, the one in the back caught my attention.

"Get home safe dear." My dad said kissing my forehead and my mom kissing my cheek. Then I left the restaurant and I left behind them.

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