Changing seasons

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BANG! Ducking for cover down a forgotten alleyway, violent vibrations shook the city down to its core; a gigantic cloud of mist flew up in the air showering the apocalyptic streets in even more despair. A rush of dust and rubble hurtled down the ashen boulevards. Another ambush. Screams of pain echoed for miles as the incessant raid continued. Ferocious flames feverishly devoured my surroundings, inflicting hell upon earth. The stench of charred coal polluted the air, once again, intoxicating innocents' lungs and minds. Cacophony of gunfire infiltrated my senses while bombs ceaselessly fell like rainfall in early spring.
Taking slow shallow breaths, I pressed myself further into the dun brick wall, sheltering me from the exposure of the horror show of war. Looking up, mountains of thick sallow fog shrouded the once azure skies. Occasional shadows of jets zoomed through the poisoned heavens. Their agile shape gave them the illusion of birds of prey with their wide-spread wings read to swoop and annihilate their next victim. Whistling winds swirled with the motion of the planes as they darted around like whippets. Titian flashes illuminated the skies like fireworks on bonfire night. However, this light show would lay havoc to more homes and buildings than ever before.
Home... tears pricked my eyes as I sharply look down upon the ashy pavements. Littered with rubbish and remains, all streets of this town now look the same: derelict and damaged. Deep set cracks tore through the concrete, dividing the murky alley in two. Fading splodges of a darkening brown stained both sides like a constant reminder of the souls subjugated to brutality. How much longer will this continue?
...How many more people must fall in this war of wills?
Peering out of the safety of the jutting alley, my eyes lay sight of the latest consequence of this country's incessant regime. Blaring sirens bawled as debilitated service men and woman pushed towards a tower of fire. Their faces wore weakness and woe. Attempting to push the distressed and desperate crowd, which had gathered to try and help family, scrambling through the fresh pile of ruin. They looked like dead-men walking; pale faces with an indifferent expression with their limbs lose covered in a sweaty haze.

Kaleidoscopic carnage tarnished the plaza. Pulchritudinous emerald, ruby, amethyst and topaz bricks were shrouded in an unholy dust; their faces filled with scars and cracks. Beside me lay a mound of sapphire wreckage. Cautiously, I bent down to pick up a shard of comfort. The soft texture felt nice against my rough hands. Tracing my hand among the gentle ripples on the embroidered stone, familiarity came to me.
Bright blue skies once blessed this city. Auroral sunshine shimmered down upon the sandy streets and bustling boulevards. Towering towers of cherry had lines of washing strung out to dry as children ran riot below. Translucent glass summoned rainbows upon shop window as eager eyes peered in to revel at the cordate items. Playful breezes whooshed past the fresh faces of loquacious adults while children zoomed between their feet. Boastful shouts for fish and fruit competed with the shrieks and squeals of immature children as they basked in the summer haze. Blue tits perched themselves on flamboyant roofs, spectating the bubbling atmosphere of the town's plaza. Pleasant aromas of baked bread wafted from the sapphire bakery. The intoxicating sweetness made me feel heavenly; the jitters in my stomach filled with anticipation. Smiling gently, I observed this town of peace and laughter with joy and longing. Home...
BANG! Another rumble ripped through the quivering brick walls. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed was a sense of claustrophobia. Dropping the brick, I made a dash for cover. Trepidation rushed through my veins. That was closer than the rest. I was now exposed: a sitting target.
This early spring rain had turned into a winter storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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