...W-well, better before him than before someone else...

Thirty more minutes until class, I better get some sleep, maybe someone will wake me up.

My eyes are squinting.

Sooo sleepy...


I stepped into the classroom and saw that no one was present yet. Looks like I'm the first one to arrive huh.

I placed my bag by the legs of the school bench and leaned back against the chair. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I had already begun to review and analyze the various issues surrounding this school. 

After classes, I also wanted to drop by the store to examine the prices of certain products. Outside of school, you could only hear about getting points per month with which you bought certain amounts of food. 

Well, that was quite common and easy to find information unlike the others. The school and the government prevented the rest of the information to lyke out, but people said that this school was supposedly the so-called dream school.

I don't feel any tense or obligation to anyone or anything. I am now a free bird who wants to fly and fly as far as possible to see as much as possible.

The thing I possess now is freedom. Although temporary, but who knows what awaits for me in the future.

For now, I want to enjoy my free time and live life to the fullest-.


A strange sound interrupted my inner monologue.

I glanced in the direction of the source and spotted the same person I saw on the bus yesterday.

I raised a brow and she quickly looked at me suddenly and just as swiftly tucked her head in her hands, lying back on the bench.

I'm not very good at reading the atmosphere, but I'm sure I'm supposed to ignore it.

Nevertheless, I was able to see the blush on her face again.

Well, I guess it was pretty cute.



".....Everyone, can you please listen to me for a moment?"

A familiar voice brought me back from the dream world.

Ah! I dreamt of Kiyotaka patting me gently on the head and praising me constantly. Mou! Why did you have to wake me up at the best time?!


I rubbed my eyes slowly and looked around.

Uhh, it's Hirata-kun and, wait this situation... An introduction!

"Starting today, we are all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible. We still have some time until the teacher will arrive. What do you say?"

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