Chapter 2

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The golden-haired young woman's eyes burst open as she woke up in bed, breathing heavily for a moment.


An intelligent respond escaped her pink lips at the sight.

She looked around the very familiar room and made a distraught face.

"Oh no, no no no. There's no way that was just a dream!"

The strongest feeling she felt now was disbelief.

Karuizawa Kei is all sure that all these events really happened. The mind could not produce such realistic events and create such things.

Don't think about it Karuizawa Kei, it will only add to your pain.

"Wait wait, maybe this is just a dream!"

She yelled out bluntly.

So it wasn't a dream, but this in turn is! Mystery solved.

However, she must admit that this dream is the most realistic she has ever had. Drugs work too well. Heh, now she remembered her dream when she was trapped with Kiyotaka on a deserted island....

A good memory, but not a pleasant sensation.

Yeah it was that shady dealer with the chamomile that put her to sleep.

"Hum hum, that's certainly it."

She nodded to herself with over-confident smile.

"But why am I at home?"

Not expecting an answer, she herself adopted a thinking pose.

Dreams should reflect what we desire, she thinks, not unwanted things. 


Her face had lost all color.

"It's a NIGHTMARE kyaaa!"




"Sooo, when do the monsters pop out?"

But nothing happened at all.

"Okay, this is how you want to play! All right! But I, Kei Karuizawa, have the ultimate technique that will remove all doubt! Muhaha!"

Young woman put her hand to her cheek and pinched hard enough to dispel the controversy.


Nothing happened.

"...W-what? W-why I'm n-not waking up?"

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