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Tini's Pov:

*I unpacked my stuff and Mechi and Lodo called everyone to come to the party. When someone knocks on the doors. I get to open it*

*Knock knock*

* I didn't open the door right at that point so someone knocks on the door again only this time it was like someone was trying to break the door. I look myself in the mirror because I was thinking that my hair was a mess and it was I fixed my hair, someone, again knock on the door and it was that hard that the mirror on the wall in our hall almost fall of the wall.*

Tini: Coming

* I opened the door and see a very familiar face. It was HIM. You are probably wondering who is he. Well, he is the guy that bumped into me and blamed me that I bumped into him in the hall when I was coming to my door*

???: Hello! Are you here? *He asked while moving his hand in front of my face*

Tini: You have no idea who I am?

???: Well you do look very familiar to me. Did we meet before?

Tini: Yes, we did you yelled at me because you bumped at me in the hall

???: Yeah, I remember you, but one correction you bumped into me.

Tini: No I didn't you bumped into me

???: No you bumped into me in the hall 

Tini: Okay I will ease up and tell you that I bumped into you because you know how they say smarter yields.

???: I'm smarter than you.

Tini: I don't think so. Anyway, why are you here?

???: Because I need Mechi. Anyway is this the dorm where she is at?

Tini: Yes, Mechi is not here also I don't remember you introduce yourself?

???: My name is Jorge

Tini: My name is Martina, but I like it when people call me Tini

Jorge: Then I'll call you Martina

Tini: That works for me because you aren't a person

Jorge: Oh, you just didn't tell me that I am not a person

Tini: I think I just did

*We continue fighting till someone didn't stop as. At one point we almost kiss before someone stopped us*

???: Stop!!!

Mechi's Pov:

Mechi: Stop!!! *I yelled*

Mechi: What are you doing?

Jorge: We are baking cookies. What are you thinking? We are fighting

Mechi: I see that, but what about?

Tini: About is he smarter than me or not. Well know that you are here you can be the judge. So in your opinion who is smarter me or him. *the word him she told with a lot of disgusting voice the rest of the sentence*

Mechi: I'm not getting between you two

Jorge: Oh, come on it will be fun to tease her

Mechi: I'm not going to tease her.

Jorge: Why?

Mechi: Because she is my BFF

Jorge: I can't believe that she is your best friend Mechi!

Mechi: Well she is!

Tini: Mechi please be the judge

Mechi: Well okay I will be because you asked not Jorge

Tini: So tell us who is smarter

Mechi: That person is...

Love HurtsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz