James didn't question her and let her do as she pleased while he put her telescope away for her. A small frown on his lips as he did so. He could see how nervous and shaky she was and he just wanted to try and ease her mind.

     Once he was done with the telescope, he stood up and walked over to her. His hand tentatively wrapping around her waist as he stood next to her. Ella jumped at the feeling of someone else near her but when she realised it was James, her shoulders dropped. It was only him, they were friends. This was fine, they were talking again.

     "What's on your mind?" He asked softly as he looked down at her. Ella shrugged and found herself moving to rest against him more. Her head resting against his chest, turning her back to the outside world. Her arms wrapping around his torso as she closed her eyes. James rested his head against her, holding her close. Letting her hug him as he felt her take deep shaky breaths.

     "Everythin' is so stressful," She admitted softly. James nodded and pressed a soft kiss to her hair, murmuring about how he understood. Ella knew he didn't really understand but she didn't want to argue. She just wanted him around her. His presence was the only thing that was keeping her sane at this point. The two stayed like that for a moment before James managed to coax away.

     The pair then began to name constellations. Ella leaning against the boy with her hand in his. Their eyes flicking across the clear night sky and debating over what constellation it really was. They eventually grew tired and with some persuasion, James managed to convince Ella to head back to the dorm with him. Ella would have preferred to just stay at the Tower all night but James was right. Sleep was important.

     So the two headed back down to the Common Room and as they went, their conversations went to strange places. The deliriousness from Ella's lack of sleep finally hitting her as she began to go on about random topics. James cracking jokes along the way, holding her hand and dragging her into the Common Room before she went past the portrait.

     James nearly tripped over the lip of the door but Ella managed to haul him back to his feet. A grin on her lips as they both stepped inside. The pair walking through to find the Common Room seemingly deserted. Ella looked up at him and tilted her head a little. James then leant down and pressed a soft kiss to Ella's forehead, wishing her goodnight before the two split apart.

     Ella stumbled up the stairs to her dorm and was still giggling at James as she walked into her dorm. The girls seemed to be asleep as Ella snook over and changed into her pyjamas. She then collapsed into bed, hearing a meow from underneath. Molly then appearing and stretching out before she jumped up onto Ella's bed.

     "'Ello, Mols," Ella muttered as he began to stroke the cat who promptly flopped onto the bed. Ella gave into the fluff-ball and gave her belly scratches. Layla watching with a curious eye. It had been nearly an hour since their lesson ended and Ella seemed a lot happier than she had beforehand. Layla found this suspicious but decided not to say anything quite yet, "You're such a good kitty," Ella added in a whisper as she continued to scratch her stomach. Molly purring in content.

      "Where have you been for nearly an hour?" Layla whispered across from her bed. Ella jumped at the noise and when she saw Layla, she proceeded to smile. She kept half her attention on Molly and the other half on Layla.

     "I was just in Astronomy with James. We were talking," Ella whispered in response. Layla tilted her head a little, clearly she was curious as to what they were talking about. She then quirked an eyebrow and Ella found herself wanting to throw a pillow at her, "Stop it. 'e's in love with Lily remember? We were just talking about constellations and stuff," Ella muttered and Molly proceeded to meow. Clearly she did not find that Ella's attention was good enough. The brunette rolled her eyes at the cat and then began to stroke her, looking down at her now.

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