The only thing that showed up was a new reddened mark on the beauty's cheek.

"H-hey, don't play with me."

Now the realization hit her.

She felt a pinching pain.

Her Kiyotaka always said that a certain action that would cause a stimulus response should rouse a person from daze or from sleep immediately.

"No way..."

She was really in her house, they couldn't move her though right?

She looked at today's date on the calendar and the clock.

"...Today is the start of school? Heh..."

She looked down at herself and only now noticed that in fact she still was in her pajamas. But most shockingly, she was 16 years old.

Her brain had not yet had time to process what was actually happening fully.

After a while, all the neighbors in the area heard a loud shout in the morning.



I was a very lucky girl because my mom was not there that day and father wasn't home either. I have to hurry, though, because when I saw the time on the alarm clock my eyes nearly popped out of their orbits.

I jumped out of bed with a powerful foot swing.

Too many emotions were boiling inside me right now to describe them, but I knew one thing clearly.

That I have to hurry, then there will be time to think about things later, now I have to catch the train!

I didn't even notice when, but I was about to fall on the floor. Who the heck left a banana peel by the bed?!

"Shit-! AUU!"

I got hit in the nose with a flying boot that came out of nowhere.

Collapsing against the floor, my whole body was already aching, and I had just gotten up.

"..Oh no, I guess my luck ran out."

I started massaging my nose and made an ouch ouch sound when I touched it.

I saw the boot I had been hit with and there was a small note taped to the sole.

I detached the note and saw the content.


Yo, so how was your sleep~? Hehe, you're probably confused by your whole situation, but think about it from the other side. The world gave you a second chance as you wished, you know. Enjoy it.

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