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HAM DAN-I was freaking out

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HAM DAN-I was freaking out.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

First, she discovered a shiny pink uniform which her mom insists was hers.

Second, there was this very pretty neighbor that claims they were best of friends.

Third, said neighbor insists that Dan-I was actually going to Ji Jon Middle School than the supposed Dae Dam Middle School.

Fourth, she bumped into a very beautiful guy with a silent demeanor and got confronted by fellow students.

And fifth, her real best friend showed up in a limousine with two ethereal boys trailing behind her and hugged Dan-I like crazy.

What the hell was happening?

Was she inside a novel of some sort?

But Aera was here, which either means they were transported into a whole new world, or she had gone crazy.

Dan-I, in the depths of her mind, wanted the former to be true.

"Dan-I, are you okay?" Aera asks, subtle worry lacing her tone, as she let go of their hug. The sudden realization making the tips of her ears red, but opted to focus her attention on the brunette in front of her; who--now that she looks at it, is wearing the same uniform as hers.

Suddenly, a big grin made its way back to the silver head's face; her, basically buzzing as she asked the question running through her mind,

"Are we going to the same school?" If it wasn't for the crazy events that morning, Dan-I would've visibly cooed at the adorable presence of her friend; but she thought there were more important things to consider for now.

"I'll answer that later but for now," Dan-I let her gaze fall at the boys behind her, then to Aera.

She wanted to confirm something.

"Aera." She called out.

Said girl innocently looked up at her then blinked her eyes, indicating that Dan-I had her full attention. The smile on her face dwindled down as she took upon Dan-I's serious expression.

"Do you know who those guys are behind you?" She cautiously asked, making sure that the boys wouldn't hear it.

"No," Aera hesitantly started, not knowing where Dan-I was going with her question.

"They claimed they know me, but I have never met them." She answered honestly.

Dan-I sighed.

As much as she wanted to believe that she had gone crazy, or that those two boys gazing at her with visible hostility, were merely Aera's stalkers that claimed to be her friends--which happened more often than not, these theories were simply too out there to make sense.

Of course, Aera didn't know them; Dan-I knew all of her friends, well friend--there only ever was Dan-I.

The girl was too introverted and anxious to actually befriend people, and more so because of her silent and soft demeanor do people mistake her to be intimidating and thus find it hard to approach her.

In fact, it was a miracle even that both of them were friends, with Dan-I being a very run-off-the-mill simple girl, and Aera the whole epitome of perfection.

But it worked, their friendship worked.

The day that Dan-I fled home and found a crying Aera at the park, too burdened by her family's expectations; and Dan-I wanting a simple break from being compared to almost anyone her parents could think of.

That day; Dan-I considered that day to be a miracle.

She found her solstice and her rock, and she was never going to let her go.

Back to the situation at hand, Dan-I knew there must be some kind of celestial being or an overpowering force that brought them into this new world.

A world where they were forced to wear pink overalls.

A world that is rampant with people you only see in the magazines.

A world that was written as if they were in a novel.

This was it.

Everything that happened from the start of the day until now, summarized into one theory: She and Aera were transported into another world, possibly a world of a web novel.

With this in mind, she wasn't that surprised when Aera confessed how the two beautiful boys seemed to know her.

In this story, she might be the female lead (or one of the female leads given the beautiful neighbor in the name of Ban Yeryeong), or possibly the love rival--although Dan-I's prepared to fight anybody who dared mess with Aera.

Regardless, Dan-I had to explain the situation to her fast;

Otherwise, she was scared that the two boys who didn't stop their menacing aura ever since Aera approached her, would kill her.

"Aera, listen to me..." Dan-I started, careful not to scare the girl off.

Said girl tilted her head, with confusion etched on her pretty face.

"I think we might be inside a web novel."

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

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