Chapter 4: Going into Town

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Ophelia's P.O.V 

Pugsley and I was currently in the yard with Lurch, who was holding a target that had a bull's eye on it, literally. Pugsley was currently aiming his cross bow at the target. "Left a bit, right a bit." He said as he aimed. "A bit more down Pugs." I said as I pushed it down a tad for him. He nods in thanks and gets ready to fire, counting down. 

However, Wednesday snuck up on him and blew an airhorn in his ear. Startling him and causing him to mess up the aim of the crossbow. The arrow hits a concrete post and hits Uncle Fester in the back. Who was unfazed by it as he checked to see if it was rain that he felt. "Ugh! You made me miss." Pugsley said angrily as he hit the crossbow. "Do you know how long it took me. to. set. this. up!" He said as he emphasized each word. 

Look Pugsley, your Mazurka is coming up and you aren't ready. Even if I am the only one who can see it. So, pay attention and you may actually get through this." Wednesday said, who was holding a shovel for some reason. Ophelia rolled her eyes, knowing this was a trick. "Wait, you're going to help me? Why?" Pugsley said suspiciously. "Because you are my brother. And. I. Love. You." She said with a creepy look. 

Pugsley didn't seem phased by the creepiness and shrugged. "Ok, how are you going to help me?" He said, as I did a facepalm. "You see that hole over there? Go stand beside it." She said gesturing to a hole she obviously made. "That hole?" Pugsley asked obliviously. "Pugs, please don't." I said, hoping he will see though his sisters trickery. "Hm, I don't get it." He said, not knowing how this hole is supposed to help him with his Mazurka. 

But then, floating around was a red balloon floating around. Capturing my and Pugsley's attention. As I was to busy seeing where it would land Wednesday hits Pugsley upside the head with the shovel and began to bury him. She's done this so much, by the time I turned back around he was already pretty much 6 feet under. "Pugsley!" I say in shock. But not really a panic or concern, knowing this is natural and has happened any times over.  

Third P.O.V 

Currently inside the house, Mortitia was putting a skull crushing device on Gomez. Tightening it casually as his face gets smushed. "Darling, not to criticize, but is that really as tight as you can make it?" He asked his wife, knowing she is lost in her thoughts at the moment. "Sorry Gomez, I'm just a bit preoccupied with the Mazurka preparations." She says as she tightens it a bit more. "I am as w-ELL! I fear that Pugsley is overconfident, and doesn't truly understand the IMPORtance of the TRAditiOn!" Gomez says disoriented every time his wife tightens the torture contraption. 

Wednesday came in, holding the red balloon that flew by. "Good news everyone. Pugsley's gone." She said with a hint of joy in her monotone voice. "Wednesday, I know that voice. Help Ophelia dig up your brother at once." Mortisia said, not having  to look at her daughter to know she did something to Pugsley. "You're weakening the gene pool. Unless Pugsley can manage to get Phelia in the future then there could be some hope." Wednesday said. Everyone in the household of course noticed the connection that Ophelia and Pugsley hold, but of course didn't bother to dwell upon it too much. 

"Hold on, what do you have there?" Mortisia asked her daughter as she seen her holding a red balloon. "I'm not sure. it. So...whats the word...opposite of sad?" Wednesday said. "Darling, bring that to me." Mortisia said as she walked towards her daughter, inspecting the balloon. "Strange. Theres usually a murderous clown attached to the other end of these." Mortisia said as she poked the balloon. Then she noticed something strange and pink on Wednesday's shoulder. 

"Wednesday, don't move." She said with a gasp. reaching out to grab the thing on her shoulder. "What in the name of unholy is that?" Gomez asked as he took it from his wife and ate it, inspecting the taste. "It taste like cotton candy." Gomez said. "How do you know what cotton candy taste like?" Mortisia asked. "Tish it was my youth. I made mistakes." Gomez said. "Wednesday, where on earth did this pink think come from?" Mortisia asked her daughter. 

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