It Just Keeps Getting Worse!

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Hi! Watch the video. It's very cool. There are also six parts so it takes a while. I put the a character in my story, but you don't need to watch the video if you don't want to. I'll explain everything.

Everyone went back to the arena and was assigned who they would fight in the last round of the Sports Festival. I was going to fight Ashido. That wasn’t something I wanted to do, but nothing can be done. U.A. set up some games that everyone could play, but  I didn’t partake. I wanted more time to myself. Before I knew it, our time was up, and we started the battles.
The first round was between Midoriya and Shinso. I can see Shinso easily winning this round but Midoriya could win if he uses his quirk properly. Before the round started, the rules were announced by Midnight and Cementoss.

“The rules are simple! Win by knocking your opponent out of the ring, immobilizing them or getting them to say ‘I give up!’ Bring the pain! We’ve got good old Recovery Girl on standby! And fight dirty if you must. Ethics have no meaning here!”

“Well, of course going for the kill is still no-no. You’ll be disqualified.” The rules were simple enough. The first round began with Midoriya quickly being under Shinso’s control. The round was already over. We all watched as Midoriya slowly turned around and began walking out of the ring. Suddenly, a huge burst of wind appeared around Midoriya; allowing him to regain control. He pushed Shinso out of bounds. The round was pretty boring but I’m sure it was way more intense in the arena.

The second round was between Todoroki and Sero. Sero attacked first by wrapping Todoroki in tape and swinging him out of the ring. Todoroki did something to free himself from the tape and created an enormous I wall of ice that trapped him. Sero was immobilized so he lost.

The third round was Shiozaki vs. Kaminari. Kaminari let loose and went past his limit. He became an idiot in front of thousands of people. Shiozaki blocked the electricity with her vines and used more vines to immobilize him. So far, the rounds have been over in a flash, so this was probably going to end quicker than I thought.

Round four was between Iida and some girl by the name of Hatsume. Iida as wearing some gear that she made but Midnight allowed it. Iida charged at her and somehow, she changed the match to an advertisement.

“Is this allowed. I mean, Midnight said so… but this is stupid.” I spoke.

“This is very weird, but if Midnight says it’s ok…” said Ojiro.

“I kinda feel bad for him.” Sero added. Ten minutes passed before the round ended. Ashido and I walked to the arena, and we both didn’t want to fight each other.

“Are you ready?” asked Ashido.

“When I said I wasn’t going to hold back, I meant it.” I didn’t say that. Delaney was in control. I remembered what she said when she introduced herself.

So be warned, I will not hesitate to kill you if we meet in a fight.

Ashido hasn’t realized the change in my eye color, so she was still pretty calm.

“Ready, Begin!!” Midnight started the round and both of use ran in opposite directions. We were running in a circle as we waited to see what our opponent will do. Best case scenario is: Delaney follows the rules and everything will be fine. Worst case scenario is something I don’t want to think about. Delaney made the first move toward Ashido. As I got closer Ashido noticed my eyes. She hesitated for a moment. By the look of it, she began feeling scared.

Delaney grabbed Ashido from behind. She wrapped her right arm around Ashido’s neck and her right arms. Her arm was locked in place, so he only has one free arm. Delaney tightened her grip and started choking her. Ashido was trying to pull my arm away but she couldn’t. The best she could do was splash acid on me. Delaney closed my eyes, but I didn’t know why. a few seconds passed before I was able switch back. An immense burning pain was in my eyes, around my face, and on my right arm; the arm that was holding her. I suddenly became very sleepy. I felt myself beginning to fall asleep.

The Hero With Many Faces. (My Hero Academia) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now