"okay let's take some pictures please and then we have to go" evelyn said as they all nodded and got situated.

they took a bunch of pictures and hopped into a small limo they rented since it was only the four of them. the group of four spent the ride jamming out to various songs and getting themselves pumped for the dance to come.

once the ride concluded they each got out with evelyn and kate exiting first with brinnley and zach to follow. they then walked in all together each excited for the evening since they would be together enjoying the night.

"bro we've probably hyped ourselves up so far, watch the dance be wack" evelyn laughed.

"if it's wack we all leave deal?" kate suggested.

"deal" the other three agreed nodding as they all walked in to see the gym decorated beautifully.

"this is pretty and all but is there a theme?" brinnley furrowed her eyebrows as she looked around with her hand interlocking with zach's.

"it doesn't look like it, there's a fish in the corner and an eiffel tower in the front" zach laughed.

"at least the lights are pretty" evelyn shrugged. "this is better than i thought the committee would come up with since they didn't care"

"good point" brinnley said.

"oh yay here come the stares" zach huffed.

the three other girls looked around noticing a fairly large amount of people were staring at them, mostly zach.

"well you're famous z, they're going to stare" brinnley gave him a small smile.

"but i'm here for you as your boyfriend tonight not zach herron from why don't we"

"yes, but my boyfriend IS zach herron from why don't we so we have to accept that" brinnley raised her eyebrows. "come on"

brinnley started dragging zach to the middle of the gym floor. once they got to the middle she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around the small of her back.

"the song is slow, so we are going to slow dance" brinnley smiled brightly.

"yeah i got that when you pulled me over here" the boy laughed.

"shut up and dance with me" brinnley shook her head. "and don't start singing the song"

"damnit, i'm a singer babe i have to sing it" zach said and before brinnley could protest he quietly sung. "shut up and dance with me this woman is my destiny she said-"

brinnley had covered his mouth with her one hand so he could stop, "no no no"

the boy sighed and nodded reluctantly indicating he would stop. she pulled her hand away and went back to slow dance with him.

after they were both quiet for a minute zach spoke up. "ohhh shut up and dance with me"

brinnley groaned and threw her head back making zach chuckle. "dude you said you'd stop"

"it started to bother me since i didn't finish the line but i'm okay now"

"i hate you"

"and i love you" zach admitted.

brinnley's eyes widened, "what? are you joking?"

zach shook his head laughing softly, "no that'd be a pretty awful joke"

"no z i'm serious"

"so am i"

"no shut the fuck up"

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