The three of them turned around to see where the voice came from. It was McGongall beckoning Harry over too her.

"This can't be good." Harry said his smile faltering a bit.

Ron and Y/n looked at each other nodding "Ooooo!" both of them cooed. Mimicking Malfoy's actions from year three earning a glare from harry.

"Potions! I don't want to take bloody potions!" Ron whined.

"Neither do I! Honestly Harry just because McGongall dragged you into this doesn't mean you had to drag Ronnie and I into this!" Y/n protested.

"Ronnie?!" Ron shrieked in disgust earning a snicker from Y/n.

Harry laughed opening the class door.

"Harry my boy! I was beginning to think you had lost your way!" Slughorn greeted Harry, completely oblivious that Ron and Y/n where also there.

Y/n looked around taking in who was in that class when her eyes landed on Theodore's. He was staring right back at her with no emotion.

She tore her gaze away from his when Slughorn motioned them to get a book from the cupboards.

She opened the cupboards to be met with three books. Two that looked brand new, and one that looked like it had been sitting there for ages collecting dust.

Almost immediately, all three of them lunged at the books. Elbowing and shoving each other just to get one of the good books.

At last Ron and Y/n had managed to shove Harry out of the way getting the brand new ones, leaving Harry with the old one.

Y/n took a stand behind the table where Hermione was. They both began to make their potion.

Both struggling to cut the bean in half. Throughout the process of trying to cut the bean, Y/n had felt someone burning holes in the back of her head.

She turned around for her eyes to be locked with his. He was studying her every move to make sure she wouldn't let anything from the previous night slip out of her mouth.

She gulped and turned back to making her potion. "What was that about?" Hermione asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb Y/n I saw you and Nott eyeing each other."

"It's nothing Mione don't worry." Y/n said trying to reassure her.


"For this assignment, you all will be paired up with someone outside of your house." Snape said taking his time.

"You will not be able to change your partner, so don't bother...asking."

"I'll only say this once, so pay attention."

"Weasley and Abott."

"Longbottom and Black"

*cough* Raquel *cough*

"Potter and Zabini"

"Malfoy and Granger."

Hermione let out a groan slamming her head against her books. Y/n placed a hand on her shoulder trying to show her comfort.

Malfoy sneered at the thought of him working with Granger.

"The fucking mud blood?!" Malfoy shouted in disgust.

Y/n turned around to look at him. "The fucking ferret?! Honestly Malfoy you act if she wanted to get paired up with you." She said rolling her eyes.

"MR. MALFOY! MISS. VILLIN! LANGUAGE! Ten points from Slytherin and Gryffindor." Snape shouted.

"Patil and Parkinson."

"Patil and Evans."

" Finnegan and Crabbe."

"Thomas and Avery."

"Nott and Villin."

Y/n's eyes widened did he just say Nott and Villin?

"Excuse me Professor! But do you say Nott and Villin?" Y/n asked hoping that she had heard wrong.

"That is correct Villin, perhaps instead of insulting your classmates you should get the hearing checked." Snape said in a cold tone.

The Slytherin's bursted into a laughter except one. Theodore. Why isn't he laughing?

"I prescribe four rolls of parchment on my desk by next Monday. About why the Patronus charm is efficient to witches and wizards. Anyone who fails to turn in the essay on time shall receive consequences." Snape said walking out of the classroom dismissing them.


"Hermione! I can't do this project with Nott!" Y/n whined.

"Y/n! I can't do this project with Malfoy!" Hermione said mimicking Y/n's words. Flopping down on the couch with her.

"What happens if I just don't do the essay?"

"You fail and 'receive the consequences'"

Y/n let out a groan.


Reminder: Amethyst is your middle name

"Couches!" Hermione shouted back.

"Y/n!" Harry said. "Nott's looking for you outside of the common room."

'Oh shit..'

"Why exactly?" Y/n asked.

"Didn't say just said he needed to talk to you." Ron quirked and eyebrow at her.

"I'm going to go see what he wants." She said.

Y/n walked out of the common room to see Theodore leaning against the wall smoking a blunt out in the open.

Not caring if a professor saw him. She watched as he released the cloud of smoked. She walked towards him.

"What do you want?" She asked.

His gaze shifted to the smoke to her letting out a 'Tsk' sound.

"We need to talk."

August 28, 2021
Revised December.07.22

Insanity | Theodore Nott | UNDER REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now