welcome to hell Elaine! Part 3

Start from the beginning

ʎɐpsǝn┴: depends, who's fighting?

portable charger: two random students

ʎɐpsǝn┴ : courtyard you say?

poratble charger: yeah!

bandaid: I'll come if anyone is injured


ʎɐpsǝn┴:  You'll never believe why they were fighting...

ʎɐpsǝn┴: apparently  those two were have a fight about whether girls or boys are superior idk why

ʎɐpsǝn┴: and then the girl  sprayed perfume in the other's eye

ʎɐpsǝn┴: and the boy poured glue on the others head

ʎɐpsǝn┴: and they started having a full on brawl. And lucky for me, thegirl had a wind ability 

and now I look like a tornado hit me.


A stupid idiot who is also a big stalker and a totally big jerk changed their name to: Arlo

ʎɐpsǝn┴ changed their name to: John


Arlo: I could say the same for you

bandaid: it's 12:00 guys! You woke me up!

Arlo: well, I was awake the entire time and then remembered I could change my name back

alarm clock: and you John????

John: okay fine! I stayed up so I could change it back....

alarm clock: seriously???

John: Yep

stalker: I did it too!

                          alarm clock changed their name to: Sera

stalker changed their name to Isen

Sera: makes sense... you're both crackheads 

John: then why isn't Blyke here

Goku: I heard that

Sera: where did you come from-

Goku: I wasn't here because I liked my name

John: let's just go to sleep

John left the chat

Sera left the chat

bandaid left the chat

Isen left the chat

Arlo left the chat

Goku left the chat

 Authors note: who's ur fave UNo charcter?

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