Two boyfriends!?

677 16 5

3rd pov 

plus me trying to count how many times i typed Goshiki

Goshiki has been living with them for 2 years until one time he noticed a feelings around both of them they were watching a movie "i-i need to go to the bathroom be right back" they looked at me confused 'didn't you go a couple of minutes ago" Goshiki ran upstairs and went to the bathroom and shut the door sweating and blushing "how am i having feelings for both am i gay?" he panicked (had a gay panic) "dcdwhcwbsa i-i gwcw i'm gay?" little did he know both Semi and Shirabu was right there they looked at each other and smirked  then they came into the bathroom acting like they were going to ChEcK uP oN Goshiki "hey you okay?" Goshiki looked up "i- um i- uhh- um i-" they laughed at him blushing and stuttering "So who do you like?~" Goshiki looked down blushing like a tomato "i l-like b-both of y-y-you n-no l-love" he said blushing while looking down the both looked at him and chuckled "heh we love you too~" they both said "h-hah?" you can tell how red he is by looking at him sweating and turning even more red at the moment  "will you be our boyfriend?" Goshiki looked at them and tears started to form in his eyes "yes!" he ran to them and hugged them they hugged back 'So are we gonna go to sleep or watch the movie?" Semi asked them "well might as well go to bed Goshiki already tired" he pointed out Goshiki cuddling on Shirabu's arm "okay but first let me help you carry him" he said taking Goshiki off shirabu's arm and picking him up "hey wait up!" Shirabu said running to Semi & Goshiki

{this was supposed to be a small chapter really}

{309 words}

Trans Goshiki au {why am I like this}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora