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     The iron scent invaded my senses, the steady stream of blood escaping my nose. My misty, aqua eyes remained glued to the portrait of a grand-something or other ancestor that hung behind my mothers head. I could feel her eyes on me but I refused to meet her gaze. Just how she refused to react to my screams. My father sat at the head of the table cutting into his veal as he ordered the house elf to refill his goblet. His wand had been returned to the cane he carried. The one I had spent my birthday money on when I was 8 years old for my father. So he could have something to carry with him always that would remind him of his daughter.

     His daughter who he spent the last 13 minutes and 28 seconds using the Cruciatus Curse on. His daughter who used to beg him to brush her hair instead of beg him to make the pain stop. His daughter who he used to look at with such pride, his blue eyed beauty, who he now looks at with contempt and disgust. His blood-traitor, sympathizer, Gryffindor, disgrace of a daughter.

     I could feel Draco beside me. He was shaking harder than me, he always got so scared when father was angry like this. Whether he was scared for me or himself I wasn't sure. But I felt him reach for my hand under the table. My fist uncurled enough for him to place my wand back in the center of my palm and then lace his fingers through mine, trapping the vine wood between our fists. Sometimes I wished he would say something. Most of the time however I'm glad he stays silent. I would take a thousand curses and beatings if it meant my brother didn't have to.

               All I said was that Bellatrix had my father running around like his bitch.


     The very next day I stood on platform 9 3/4 with my mother and Draco. As my mother fretted over Draco I quietly slipped away and made my way onto the train. Weaving through the drove of students chattering with the excitement of retuning to Hogwarts, I finally felt myself relax for the first time in months. The feeling was increased tenfold when I found the carriage that contained six of my favorite people in the world.

     Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, and Fred and George Weasley were all seated on the plush benches as I slid the door open. The first person to see me was George, who was angled towards the door unlike the others who were all focused on the pair of seventh years currently yelling at one another by the window. Which was the first thing I noticed as I stood in the doorway.

     The second thing I noticed was how fit George Weasley had gotten over the summer. He had chopped his ginger locks so they no longer brushed his shoulders. His lazy grin that was spread across his face was the same as I remembered however he was definitely filling out his button down much more than he did last term.

     "You cannot go around telling people we eloped in Prague over the summer!"

     "So now you're ashamed of me? You wound me darling!"

     Angie looked like she was about to blow smoke. I raised my eyebrow at George in question but he just dropped a wink in response. My stomach flipping was definitely a result of the train beginning to move.

     "Oi!", I stepped in and covered Lee's ears with my hands, "Not in front of the children you two!"

     "Elara!", Katie Bell was currently launching herself into my arms.

     As we stumbled backwards I couldn't help but grimace as her body collided with mine. The bruises and the aches that accompanied the torture curse were much harder to mend than those formed under normal circumstances. From over Katie's shoulders I could see the twins exchanging a concerned glance. And when Angelina came over to hug me she was much more gentle and held on a moment longer.

     There was always a lingering suspicion amongst my friends about what goes on inside the Malfoy Manor. I had never confirmed anything because I knew that if word got out, things would only get worse. Besides, I only have one more year before I am seventeen and will be able to use magic outside of school. I just had to finish these last two years of school and then Katie and I can move out together.

     I'll never have to go back to that house. I can go to work as a cursebreaker and share a flat with Katie. I will sleep in on the weekends and get a cat like I always wanted. The seven of us will have weekly dinners with drinks and games and nothing but peace and joy and pure happiness. Something that I have craved since I was eleven years old and came home to all my things being moved to the other side of the house. Since I was 14 and had to watch as my father came to every Quidditch match Draco played whilst I had to use the schools spare broom because he wouldn't buy one for the rival team.

     "So who do you guys think is going to take over Defense this year?", Lee asked as we were beginning to exit the train.

     "Well," Alicia began, "whoever it is can't be any worse than Moody-Crouch."

     The thought of the events of last year made me frown. Cedric Diggory and I weren't necessarily close but we had spent the year in Care of Magical Creatures together and he was someone I considered a friend. Seeing his body and having to hear Harry Potter screaming over him is something I will never forget. It was a wakeup call to us all just how real the threat of You-Know-Who is.

     Seeing my change in mood Fred threw his arm around my shoulder and told Ali, "Well now you've done it Spinnet. You've jinxed us all!" 

Elara MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now