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Pippa's POV

Lin asked me on a date today. I wasn't really sure if I was ready to start dating yet. But this was Lin, my best friend. Maybe it wasn't a date. Maybe it was just a friendly dinner. Maybe he just wanted me to feel comfortable in his home. It couldn't possibly be a date. Who asks a three-month pregnant woman who just left her husband on a date? 

Nevertheless, I began getting for our "date". I put on my favorite red dress. It brought back so many memories. Memories of my past with Steve. This dress was always his favorite. Now to look at it made me feeling nothing but sadness. It made me look bloated as my abdomen grew to protect my child. I stood there wishing I could go back to my date nights with Steve. Nights where we'd see a Broadway show and get ice cream and take walks through Times Square. More than anything, I missed my old life. Before that woman ruined my marriage.

(I never finished this chapter, but y'all can have what I did write)

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