A Protector's History

Start from the beginning

"Hurry up guys! We don't want to be late on the most important day of the year." Haruto shouted to her friends.

"We know Haruto! Or else why would we be running idiot!" Arakan yelled back at the slightly older female.

"Guys calm down! We'll be on time don't worry or fight!" Shouted a petit blond girl named Ena trying to calm her friends down.

"Yay even if we are late I don't think they'd care. Like I mean that we showed up to everything else on time." The youngest of the group shouted.

Just as Haruto was about to yell back she noticed that they were here. The place the needed to get to was called the Temple of Protectors. This place was built be the original protector, after they escaped the hands of Marley. The protector was one of ten titan powers Ymir, that had more than one ability. Who ever had this power had 5 different abilities.

Ability 1: Speed, their speed was faster than the Female Titan. They could run around Wall Maria in 2 days. User must be able to follow orders, and shall always remain loyal to the other users.

Ability 2: Hardening, Their hardening can go beyond their titan's body like the War Hammer Titan. This hardening is crystal but stronger than the War Hammer. Can create weapons' out of it own hardening of any size, can also cover items in Titan Crystal. User must have strong body, will and mind.

Ability 3: Titan Control, Can call, create and control titans with a single roar. Can also return titans back to humans with their roar. User must have a single goal when using.

Ability 4: Animal, This ability gave them deadly sharp claws, teeth, stronger senses and strength. If the user can not control the ability it could cause them to go in a rage. User must have a level had and control over the emotions.

Ability 5: Size, This ability gives the user the power to change the size of their protector. then can go from 4 - 65 meters. The user must have a strong body and good heart. Must not be corrupted.

All the users will share a ability of sense. This will let them sense when one of the 10 titan shifters is using their ability if near by.

When Haruto, Arakan, Ena and Fudo went into the temple to the main floor. They saw 5 people waiting in the middle of the room. There was Miyo Nagisa, Ronin Saburo, Shin Taigen,  Ume Wakumi and finally Yoko Suzuki. These 3 women and 2 men were the current holders of the protectors. Once the children came into view the all had smiles on their faces. Haruto then ran towards Yoko.

"Mom!!" Haruto shouted jumping into her mothers arms. Her mother then chuckled and hugged her daughter. As the other 3 came up to the group they all had smiles on their faces, ready for their protector.

"Haha. Hello to you to Haruto. Welcome children to the Temple of the Protectors. Today you each shall receive you power." Yoko said while letting go of Haruto.

"But before we can tell you which one you get you must learn about the history of the first protector." She said. Then Miyo, Ronin, Shin, Ume and her were standing in a circle around the teens. A green glow then surrounded the group transporting their minds to the past.

150 Years ago 3rd POV

It was year 693 and the founding titan was trying to leave Marley and go to the Paradise. With the second strongest titan trying to leave it caused a the Titan War. In the middle of this war the Founding Titan and the War Hammer Titan were fighting each other. Just as the War Hammer  Titan was going to give the killing blow. An 19 meter titan tackled them down, standing above the War Hammer was the Protector Titan the strongest of them all. 

Seeing  a chance to escape the Founding Titan ran towards the hundreds of people they had gathered

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Seeing  a chance to escape the Founding Titan ran towards the hundreds of people they had gathered. The Protector soon followed the Founding, seeing it run away from the fight. Once the Protector caught up it grabbed their shoulder to turn them around to face them. The Founding began to struggle against the Protectors grip.

"Calm yourself for I do not wish to harm you in any way." The Protector said trying to ease the other shifter. Once those words were heard by the Founding titan they calmed.

"What do you want then? Why won't you let me go?"  They replied wanting to get away from Marley.

"I'll let you go if you let me and 5 others go with you but we're free of your rule."  the Protector bargained. The Founding thought about it wanting to say no but saw the other shifter getting closer.

"Fine! as long as you give me and future holders protection from the Marleyan's." The Founding agreed. Once those words were said the Protector let go of the Founding, then both shifter exited their titans. Them and 5 others then boarded a ship sailing to Paradise. 

"Once we reach land I want you all to leave the ship right away." The Founding 'Akemi' said towards the Protector and their 5 friends. 

"Alright but if you do need me all you have to do is call." The Protector 'Botan' replied looking out to the ocean. Soon they met land and as agreed Botan and his 5 friends left but not without saying.

"Until we meet again Founder." he said then left towards the forest.

"Yes until then." Akemi whispered to himself.

One Year Later 

A year had pasted since the Founder and Protector had escaped Marley's grasp. Akemi built a 50 meter walls to keep him and the people safe from the titans. Botan and his friends built a small village called Roselake and Botan made a choice and split the Protector titan into 5 different titans based on his 5 abilities. He then gave those abilities to his five friends: Chiasa Emiko holder of the Speed Titan, Eichi Genki holder of the Control Titan, Fujita Den holder of the Hardening Titan, Hachiro Chiyo holder of the Animal Titan, and Hisa Ito holder of the Size Titan.

As time went on Botan taught his friends how to control the abilities he had given them. While this was happening Akemi had erased everyone's memories of Marley and what titans really were. Botan and his friends weren't effected by the erase because of their deal. While building the town they had titans come in and Eichi would turn them back into humans again. Once then entire village was built they had many inhabitants, animals and crop ground to survive.

Then after a while there wasn't any more room for more villagers so when titans came the Protectors would lead them away from the village. The Protectors were the leaders of the village and told everyone about titans and their gifts. 

Years then pasted and soon it was time to make a new group of Protectors. So then Chiasa, Eichi, Fujita, Hachiro, and Hisa all chose someone to take their place as Protector. They all went through training of body and mind. As they trained the current Protectors built a temple to where the exchange of power would happen. They then called it the Temple of Protectors, it sat at the edge of the Roselake going into the ground. 

The one thing that was different with giving your power to someone else from the other 9 titan shifters to the Protector was that no one had to be eaten. The Protectors created a way to prevent someone to be eaten by putting their spinal fluid into the serum. That way no one would become a brainless titan or get eaten.

This way was used for generations so that the previous Protectors can train you.

To be continued 

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