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"Fuck!" I growled, kicking the tree stump.

Out of all the God-forsaken people to show up in the woods. It had to be Olivia, the damn girl was plain stupid. She can’t be here. Not in the woods. Not tonight. Not here with me.

What the hell was she thinking coming out here on a full moon?!

To top that off, I almost shifted in front of her. I was close to revealing my secret to her. It was true she seen my body that night, but I wasn't dead. I was turning. And that wasn't the half of it. I'd been telling myself I had done the right thing. I was forced by her father to leave the village. He told me Olivia would be safer. Now, she's roaming the damn forest and has no clue what I'm capable of. I could've snapped and killed her in heartbeat.

"Fuck, Liv. After all these years, I still want you… still love you." I whispered to myself.

When she touched me, I could feel that spark coming back to life. My body was on fire as she reached up to cup my cheek. The heat was everywhere. My cock sprung to life and almost lost control. I almost turned.

I walked down the trail and caught her scent, making me let out a growl. The beast in me wanted to claim the pretty little thing. All the times we shared as children. The first time I kissed her was still fresh in my brain. The night I held her when she felt all alone. All the times her father hurt her. I wished I could go back to when I was innocent. When I hadn't been forced to become a monster.

I watched Olivia stop and lean up against a tree. She was tired of running all this time. I groaned as I took in what she was wearing. Nothing but a flimsy red hooded cloak to cover her body. The satin dress covered next to nothing. I could practically see her pink nipples pebbling through the fabric. It barely covered her lower region, revealing a pair of lacy panties. Probably a thong if I'm guessing.

I gritted my teeth and cursed myself.
I was ashamed.
Was no better than Henrik thinking of Olivia like that.
Like I wanted to eat her up.

I did think of shoving her to the tree and having my way with her. And, I also let myself make her dream of me. A dream I so desperately wanted to make a reality. I ran my hand through my hair as I hid back in the shadows. I've lurked in the shadows at night. I even snuck into her window and watched her sleep. I can remember the dream I made her have. She moaned in her sleep as she slid her hand under her sheets and didn't even know what was happening.

To her, it was a dream.
To me, it was my hidden desire coming to life.
I wanted what we used to have.

I followed her scent deeper into the woods.

I peeked around the tree. There she was. I could hear her heartbeat


I walked towards her slowly but froze when I saw her began to move again. I should stop myself and walk the other way, but I can't. The beast in me wants to protect her. He wants to strip her bare and have his way with her. Sink my teeth into her neck and mark her delicate flesh.

I stand in front of her and trace the side of her face, making her gasp in surprise. She widens her eyes in shock as I trail my finger down her neck and press my body against her. My hands find the back of her thighs and wrap them around my waist. My lips feather over her mouth, enveloping her in a ravenous kiss. A deep and passionate connection strengthens by the second. Pulling away from her, I whisper. "You still taste so good, Liv."

“Mate.” My wolf growls. “Claim your mate.”

Olivia moans as I press her harder against the tree as my mouth finds hers again. I know it's risky, but I need her. My wolf needs her. He craves her touch. And me? I just want what I lost back. I needed her. To claim her and take what belongs to me.

"Kieran, I missed you. Remember all the fun we had in the barn?"

"How could I forget, my love?"

"Then, why did you leave me?"

"I'm sorry, but I had no choice in the matter. It's… complicated."

"Get off me. If you can't give me an explanation, then leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, but if I tell you… you could be in danger."

"It's because of the beast, isn't it?"

"I… please, Liv. I don't want to talk about it. Can we just…"

Olivia lays her hands flat on my chest in an attempt to get away, but I overpower her. I can feel the beast in me coming alive. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, not wanting her to see the truth of what I am.

"Kieran, look at me."

"I can't."

"Open your eyes and look me in the eyes."

I slowly open my eyes and look at her. Not with my normal eyes, but my crimson ones. Olivia reaches up and cups my face as my fangs begin to protrude. My heartbeat thumps against my chest as she runs her finger down one of my fangs and whispers. "Kieran, what happened to you?"

"I turned into a monster… a beast who has no self-control." I growled.

"But, you do with me. Why?" She murmurs.

"I don't know."

"I think you're beautiful just the way you are."

"Don't lie to me. I'm the most dreadful thing you've ever laid eyes on."


I pressed my finger to her lips and whispered. "Someone's here. Be very quiet and very still."

Olivia looked into my eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She's scared, but not of me. She fears the intruder but feels safe with me. My cave isn't too far from here. I could take her there and keep her safe. I pull away from her and grab her hand, intertwining our fingers and ask. "Do you trust me, Liv?"

"Yes, I’ve always trusted you. You know that."

"Come with me and let me keep you safe. Then, when we get to my cave, you can tell me everything about the man following you."

She doesn't hesitate and follows me through the woods. We run for about thirty minutes until we reach what I call home. I lead her inside and she looks around in awe. "Wow, you live here? It's beautiful."

My hand wraps around her basket and set it down on the ground. Taking her by the hands, I ask. "Who was that? Why are they following you?"

"It was Prince Henrik or at least one of his trackers." she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, "The reason I ran away."

I've waited for years to claim Olivia.
No way is Henrik getting her.
He'll have to kill me first.
She’s mine!

"Kieran, can I ask you something?"


"It was you, wasn't it? The man in my dreams."

How do I tell her without freaking her out? I’ve always shadowed her. Protected her from the dangers. Watched her sleep at night. Made her dream of me and cum on her fingers. I desperately wanted to claim her. To sink my teeth into her neck and make her mine. I may or may not have touched her in her slumber. But still, how would she react to know I’ve been stalking her?

“Tell her.” My wolf whines. “Tell her the truth about everything.”

I pressed my face in her hair and inhaled. The scent intoxicates me as I attempt to calm my wolf. He’s giddy and wants to take over again. I can’t let him. No matter how much he wants to. I don’t think I can live with myself if I hurt her. I’d kill myself before I let anything like that happen.

I groan in her hair and close my eyes, but it’s too late. Because the beast has come out to claim his mate. Mine. Mine. Mine. The primal urge of the wolf is hungry and it’s not blood he wants. He’s famished for his mate’s sweet mouth and pussy.

One thing was certain. Anyone that came after my mate would suffer by my hands. No way was anything going to come between us. Not ever again. She was mine. Always had been. And always would be.

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