Part 7

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The hat opened it's mouth and yelled








She went to the table with students wearing yellow and black ties as clapping surrounded her .

After the sorting ceremony came to an end headmaster Dumbledore stood up and gave a little speech i tuned out as it sounded like the numerous don't do this , you aren't allowed to do that speeches and I seriously don't feel like listening to that .
     When that was done food appeared in front of us , woah slow the role people , you are going to make a muggleborn faint from shock someday . 
I decided to try my luck and started a small talk with the first year beside me her name was Cassandra coldsworth who told me to call her cassie in turn i told her to call me percy , we chatted while we ate before we were guided towards the common room which opended by poking a barrel , gotta give it to whoever thought that up , never thought I would see something like that outside of a overly exaggerated spy movie

   • Time skip cuz I'm awkward •

I slept like a baby in the hufflepuff dorm and from an older student i heard that girls had their own rooms while boys shared well at least in hufflepuff don't know about other houses , well there's a bright side to it no snooping dorm mates I've had enough in my last boarding school

The common area and rooms were all cozy but too much yellow dude , ah well at least it's not bright yellow that stings your eye , thank goodness for that or i don't think I would be able to survive

      Time skip to the great hall for we got to meet the twin demons

<<<<<<<<<Still Percy's pov>>>>>>>>>>

I walked up to the griffindor table and plopped down beside the two red head pranksters , some tried to say that you can't sit with different house but i had already looked up all the rules to find loopholes in them , i mean common it's a magic School they can't expect us to not go exploring or the fact that I'm not going to change myself for people around me that i don't even know because what ever i do they will talk behind my back .

So i just gave those that tried a sickening sweet smile that i knew creeped people out whilst saying
" you have to be at your house table at the feast at the start of the year which was yesterday there ain't no mention of any rule that says i can't sit here"
You could see a shiver went up his spine an the others who tried stopped trying to send me back

Turning back from the idiots i faced my new friends and fellow trouble makers / pranksters, we talked about random things and came up with a few pranking ideas to be used later at some time when they have a good alibi and unsuspecting crowd

With mischief in their minds and a shine in their eyes they went to their classes , all the professors who taught the marauders felt like they were looking at a female version of Sirius black in his youth with the spark of mischievousness and joy covering the dab of sadness Percy's eyes held , but at the same time they knew she was different than him in a way that they couldn't figure out

After a long time I'm posting a new chapter , so sorry for that but I had a lot of things to do and already i am sorry in advance that I won't be posting for some time my exam dates are nearing and I have to focus on them ............ Until next time , see ya people


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