Chapter 13- Cause Trouble day

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"(I should... take the blame.) Burton Goatte... please don't be too hard on it. I really did all of this." The Burton turned toward Seth, and Seth forced himself not to shrink away. "I appreciate your condor, Mr. Parker. But it doesn't excuse Mr. Optimus actions in this." Next to Seth, Optimus gripped relaxed just a bit. "Mr. Optimus, considering your excellent transcripts and undeniable potential... you will not be expelled today." Seth felt the tension shift as Optimus exhaled. "Thank you, Sir. You wont regret--" The Burton holds up his hand to quiet Optimus and turned his burning gaze onto Seth.

"You, however, seemingly came out of nowhere and think Time Traveling's rules don't apply to you, hm?"

"No! Of course not, that's--"

"Excuse me, Burton Goatte, but it wasn't an accident. A spell gone awry that got blown out of proportion..." Optimus said, as Seth eyes widened as he looked over to Optimus, but it doesn't looked in his direction. The Burton steepled his fingers and is silent for a moment. "Lucky you, Seth, someone has already made a case for you to stay. One a bit more compelling than Mr. Optimus."

But, wait... who will do that?" Seth asked, "Someone who apparently cares whether or not you continue your education here. But I want to make sure you know the severity of your actions. Both of you will be required to put in school service hours as punishment."

"Of course. Absolutely. Whatever we have to do." Optimus said it with a smile.

"So be it. Arrive at the library at the eight this evening to receive your assignments."

"Thank you so much, Burton Goatte. Really. I promise you this won't happen again." said Seth, "I'm not a man known for second chances, and you can expect that any further incidents will result in expulsion. I do make myself clear?"

Seth and Optimus both nodded as an uncomfortable silence drifted over the three of them.

Well? What are you waiting for? Leave." Without another word, Seth and Optimus gathered their things and left his office. "I can't believe we made it out of there in one piece. That man is terrifying." Seth persisted, with his arms across his chest. "Yeah, I will held home for now, we'll meet tomorrow for the assignment!" said Optimus. "Okay let meet tomorrow!"

"Damn I should eject drive for now!"

Seth strolled to the main hall to eject the drive out, and went home to saw Prof Stephen sitting on a Pc busy typing.

"Oh Seth how was the lectures today?"

"Hmm!" Seth inhaled and threw his bag on the floor and sat beside Prof Stephen. "Sir... Lectures was good today, but I have only three questions to asked you. May I?"

"Yeah, why not... asked me, asked me, and I will have the answers for you!"

"First question is... why do this people here, I mean... Khartoum are learning Time traveling?" Seth questioned made Prof Stephen paused with his attention on the computer. "Oh! the time traveling school... is a secret society, the government and the majority of the people doesn't know anything about it. Indeed, they are learning time traveling. But they are wasting their time!"

What?! wasting their time?" Seth sputtered in shock, when he was aiming a bottle of water into his mouth! "Why?"

"Right! They can learn the seven element of Time but they remaining to complete their quest to became a time traveler can never be completed except they combine sun and moon, cause Sun and Moon are the supreme element of Time, thus, Time and Moon are two humans who could only be joined as one to accomplish Time traveling the last element of Time!"

"Huh?! So Prof who are the Sun and the moon?"

"I'm the moon, and anyone to perform the Sun Spell! with be the sun. You know time consist of space. eh.. galaxy. So joining the moon and Sun will interconnected to the time traveling!"

"Uh! you said anyone who perform the Sun spell?" Seth asked Prof Stephen raising a suspicion, "Do you someone at the college who have performed the Sun Spell?!"

"No! Prof according to Professor Morgan lectures yesterday, he said most spells are found difficult to performed but he didn't mention the particular spells!"

"Aha! what did you learn from yesterday's lectures" Prof asked, "Morgan taught us the 'Fire element',"

"Besides Prof if are the Moon and you haven't yet performed the Sun spell! Then why can you travel using portals to future, past... For example, You traveled to Khartoum 1930s and save me... from the Paradox?"

"Good, but I already told you that! The heaven forces selected me to protect you cause you the chosen one! How many times do I have to tell you this!"

"So if.. The heaven forces chosen me then why will I need to learn The eight element of Time?!"

"Because The forces told me, it will not be important if they give you the power you, but left me in suspense..."


"Like, they didn't told me how to manage you to be Time god, I'm old now that's why I gave majority of my power to you. I and you had no option now, for you to learn the elements that's how I'm gonna trained you to become Time god... now you have concluded that there's no one there to performed better spell there's no need to go The school again tomorrow don't go to lectures!" A smile began spreading on Seth face as he glimpsed at Prof stephen without flattering the eyebrows... forcing a laugh!

For a while, he laughter turned away quietly sitting with his hands folded to his chest. "Why were you laughing Seth?"

"Sir, yesterday at lectures a lost... f-fo.."
he mouth started to repeated a particular sound involuntarily during his speech... while his whole body began to shook unstoppable. He blushed, and stammered a few words on his speech again. "f-focus and fired a flame at an Optimus robot!"

"What! was the flame Inferno?" Prof Stephen inquired, "No! it wasn't conflagrate!"

"So?" Prof Stephen frain, "We were reported to The Burton. He was rude over me... And he said 'you came from nowhere and causing commotions in the college' he was really hating me! I guess he suspect something!"

"Yup. Seth you are right, I don't like the man, he's evil, and he must have some clue about you, what happened next when the two were reported?!"

"He told us to be reported 8AM for assignment!"

"Assignment what! Seth from now onwards don't reported to the school again!"

"Huh?! Prof what about the remaining elements to become the traveler to defeat Darkstorm? I need to learn at least four of them. At the college before I can stop. (Why am I lying to Prof that I have performed the Sun Spell? and remaining three! And I can infuse with the Moon element. Why? But... if I told him too a it'll be a biggest strand of my life!)" Seth asked Prof Stephen and began to complained in his mind quizzically.

"I will teach you something that you will use to protect yourself from an evil attacks for now plus The Water element, and The Fire element you learned at college!"

"What are they?" Query Seth. "The slo-mos!"

"It's a dance?"

"Nope, is the capability of ensuing a fixed firm of a psychic sympathetic affection of one mind with the eyes. Simply means ability to see things in slow motions."

Is it classified under the eught element of Ti--"

"Mind you, it's not classified under any circumstances of the Eight element of Time! it's a undeniable ability of any time traveler, like Darkstorm have that abilities."

"So his creatures too have that ability?"

"I don't think so."

"But sir, am not a time traveler yet how can I have that ability?"

"Ah! don't you remembered that my power is in you."

"Okay! Okay! I remembered, So will it be difficult for me to practice!"

"I don't know, unless you don't keep tight focus of your mind, but when you do so it will be very very easy for you!"

"C'mon follow me!"

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