6 run rabbit, run rabbit run, run, run

Start from the beginning

"i-I'm just part of the now even smaller army...we all are and the last few years j-just brings you closer....nothing more..." Y/n was shaking absolutely terrified and she tried to pull away a bit. By now she was used to having to call her family just friends but it still felt bitter when she thought over it, she was getting more uncomfortable as she looked away not liking the mask that hid whatever intentions he had

Dream scoffed "really now...so what dedication do you have to be fighting for something you'll just lose most likely tomorrow? Wouldn't it be easier for the three of you to just stand down and join the kingdom? Your lives would be spared and you'd get to keep your valuables" he said looking over the other two as he loosened his grip on her a bit yet not enough to let her slip away.

"Because its our home you prick" Tommy snapped making both Y/n and Tubbo go a bit pale "for the last few years we've given so much to have it and we won't just turn on it now- for gods sake we can't after we've had to bury so many friends just to get here" Tommy sat his face flushed in anger "our FRIENDS didn't die to watch any of us give up to you or your kingdom of pompous assholes!" his fists clenched "Just wait till tomorrow!"

Dream sneered at his confidence in a situation like this but knowing he had gotten under his skin made him a little happier "Tommy... at this point you better just write your will.." he said and shoved Y/n to them "so tell me why I shouldn't just kill the three of you now and spare myself trouble?"

"because it would ruin your like twenty nine years of having a decent battle?" Tubbo squeaked as he and Tommy got close to Y/n and the three of them got ready to dash if need be but were surprised to be met with laughter from George and stifled laughter from sapnap as Dream sat there for a minute in shock and mild offence to his statement.

"i....im only 18" he said unsure if he should take it as an insult or not but soon Tommy had his hand over his mouth trying not to lose as Tubbo went a bit paler thinking he was going to be the first to be ended then Y/n was also covering her face trying to keep a straight face but Tommy's laughter did little to aid it. Seeing their reaction Dream got a bit flustered especially seeing Y/n as he didn't think he'd see this side of her especially after that, but he had to take a moment to shake himself from the trance he was in. "ok ok so funny how old do you think we are then?" he huffed

It took a bit for her to calm but when she did she cleared her throat "well around thirty each really- not so close to our ages" she said rubbing the back of her neck a bit embarrassed and she avoided looking them in the eyes "I mean....Tommy's the youngest at just turned 16 a bit ago...um...Tubbo is about to turn 17 and I'm also 16, but still older then Tommy" she said the last part a bit quicker hopping the blond didn't hear her

Dream was silent now before he chuckled softly, alarming them a bit "so this war is just a bunch of kids fighting huh? Sapnap's the same age as you guys and George is almost 20...." He said as he shook his head in disbelief "nevertheless...tomorrow will still happen and after this...it should all be over'' he sighed softly and looked at them beaten and bruised, bandaged with the minimum yet they still stood even though they were unarmed and the least threatening thing he'd seen ,the flower crowns didn't help at all with that. Yet standing there before him he could feel something special about them and he wanted it but not to enjoy for himself no no, he wanted it so he could study it, there was an entire small nation standing on this and he felt greed spike in him.

Y/n frowned for a moment she had forgotten that they were at war "whatever you say you heartless green bastard" she muttered and she grabbed Tubbo and Tommy gently and she gently pulled them towards L'manburg. They tried to keep calm but frankly none of them knew what had just happened but once they were out of sight they made a mad dash as it was now dark and the monsters were coming out.

Dream and his men sat there a bit awkwardly as they eyed the man who sat there trying to process what had happened as well. He had been fine just talking with them but the ending message had gotten him, the name wasn't new by a long shot but her words stung and he clenched his fists "lets go back..." he said and silently the three of them headed to the castle in silence although his companions shared worried glances occasionally.

When the three teens made it to L'manburg they were in shock, for the most part the ground had been fixed up and there were areas that had construction warning but none seemed to be from L'manburg itself. There was a horse tied up at the stalls with nice gold armor but the crest of a kingdom none of them recognized and they wandered a bit until Wilbur spotted them

"Stop right there you mother-fuckers" his voice was cold and menacing, almost making the three of them turn slowly in fear. "where the fuck have you been?" the older man made his way over absolutely fuming as he was shaking in anger. They tried to explain but it was fearful but in the jumble of words thrown he really just caught "Dream", "threat" and "Y/N" clearly. "You mean to tell me that you fucking ran into Dream after the bullshit that he pulled today- and you didn't turn and run?" he hissed

"W-Wilbur we tried b-but he heard us- nothing happened, we got a-away you don't need to worry" Tubbo squeaked

"what would have happened if you didn't why can't you just-juST UNDERSTAND?! I CAN'T LOSE THE ONLY PRECIOUS THINGS I HAVE FUCKING LEFT!!" He said as he started to tear up shocking them as he trembled "i-it's only been like 30 hours and I could have lost you all three times now" he croaked and he hugged them tightly.

None of them had any idea what to do but they just hugged him back and let their older brother calm himself  as he practically crushed them in a hug and after a moment or so he let go and whipped his face as he composed himself.

"god...don't do that again.." he said and was met was a hesitant nod and two timid 'yes Wilbur's. "great now I'm a mess- but as you can see we've gotten to work building again, we have an old family friend here to help us out his name is Sam don't be rude and don't bother him or I'll have you shoveling horse shit for a week. Right now, he's busy for sure and if he needs help expect to be called over and don't give him trouble. Oh- uh I think Niki needed you three though so be sure to see her she seemed excited" he sighed as he finally seemed to calm down

Tommy nodded "yea ok we'll be on our way now" he said and he pulled them away quickly "I swear to god he gets crazier by the second" he said and looked over his shoulder as if Wilbur would appear out of thin air at any moment and slap the shit out of him.

"I think he's just worried Tommy" Tubbo said as he shrugged and he took the lead as he pulled them to look for Niky. "....do either of you want to talk about earlier?...." he asked quietly as they searched for her.

"well...um not really, all that happened was some crying on my part then we saw Dream I got to call him a green bastard and we're here" Y/n said sheepishly and she took her hand from Tubbos to fiddle with her thumbs

"Welcome to the club" Tommy said proudly as he patted her back avoiding the topic with her as Tubbo looked at the both of them unimpressed "well on a positive note we now know the three of us look pretty poggers with flower crowns yea?" Tommy said proudly as he looked at them and gave a half smirk making Tubbo and Y/n laugh which fueled him a bit more

Niki was in a huge tent with Fundy as they set up in there for them to sleep for a bit since few buildings survived the TNT. When she saw them, she smiled at them and waved them over.

"so-while we couldn't do much to make up for everything Fundy and I found some bandanas for everyone and then I found a bit of thread!" she said and pulled out some bandanas for them and handed them each one. Niki had her own pink one to help keep her hair back, Fundy had an orange one in his pocket folded more like a handkerchief. Niki had given Tommy, Tubbo and Y/n a green, red and white one each of them had each other's colors in the threads of their names  "since you three seem to always be together I thought it was best that you always match yea?" she asked wearily.

"Niki this is so cool!" Tubbo cheered as he tied his around his neck immediately and Y/n hugged her tightly before doing the same at Tubbo Tommy just nodded as a small thanks and he tied his on with a smile. Despite it all they still felt like kids right now.

(i didn't expect to have so much for this one-)

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