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As a bad snowstorm hit, a baby was left crying in cold weather no one bothered to retrieve him for warmth as he kept crying and crying one group managed to see him and they called themselves the "dark triad" After picking up the boy they all had some regrets thinking if they should keep him as the final decision was made they had taken him back to their home feeding it and giving warmth to the baby for the first time this boy finally felt love after an hour the three struck with an idea on what to call him debating on what's the best name for him they concluded "the name of this boy will be asta..and he will have the power of the devils like us..." as asta now will have special missing waiting ahead of him at the age of fifteen... as five years later pass.. "asta cole back now today is the day you'll be getting your powers!" Vanica shouted, "Yes I'm going!" As Asta ran towards her "What have you been doing?" Zenon asked, "I've been working out since I don't have magic I'm making it up with strength!" Asta happily replied, "Interesting...we'll make sure you don't overwork your body.." Zenon said quietly "Sure thing!" Asta smiled as vanica had taken Asta with Dante to the place for his powers "Now are you ready asta?" Vanica said, "I sure am I'm so excited!" Asta smiled brightly "Ah you both here," Dante said as a devil walked out of the portal but this devil looked the same age as Asta... "here let me grant you a better life little one.." Dante said as he stuck his hand out as the devil grabbed on him as he looked behind him to see little Asta standing there in awe "Y-Your A DEVIL!! SO AWESOME!" Asta yelled as he ran towards him "H-hi" the devil responded, "you don't have a name?" Asta asked "Name?" He softly replied "You don't have a name what a bummer OH I KNOW! From now on you'll be liebe you're going to my best friend!" Asta smiled "Friend?" Liebe just smiled as he hugged Asta "Come on let's get strong together!" Asta smiled "Yes together.." liebe responded as he merged with Asta "Now then you will be able to use your powers once you get your grimoire.." Dante stated "Aw man that's so long from now.." asta complained, "It's ok you'll be a powerful warrior.." Dante said while patting Asta's head "I can't wait for this.." asta said with sparkles in his eyes "Now let's try to make you transform" Vanica said, "are you sure don't you think he's a bit too young?" Dante stated, "he doesn't look so weak so let's give it a try!" She happily replied "Alright asta I want you t-" Dante was shocked at what happened to Asta's arm and face "How do I get this black stuff off my body it looks dirty!" Asta wined "How did you do that?" Dante asked, "I don't know I just looked and dig deep in my body and felt that after I touched it in my thoughts I felt black stuff cover my body!" Asta explained "But I can't take it off now. Do you know how?" Asta asked "I don't know how you do it but you just just have to deactivate it by letting it go." Dante tried explaining best to Asta as Asta's transformation deactivated "Ow ow ow ow!" Asta cried "That hurts my body!" Asta complained "But thanks to my working out I'm ok! Sort of.." asta said as he rubbed his arm and face "Well let's train tomorrow it's getting late." Dante said as he left and took Asta "Wait for me!" Vanica said as she caught up to them as they went back to the castle "Now asta rest up your body and get ready for tomorrow's training so this way you'll be as powerful as us.." Dante smiled as he closed Asta's door and left to his room "Got you to see you tomorrow" Asta smiled as he got in bed "Hey liebe you there?" Asta silently asked "Yeah I'm there" Asta closed his eyes as he saw Liebe in his thoughts "How are you?" Liebe asked Asta "I'm doing well how about you liebe?" Asta replied "I'm doing great I was so happy I got saved by sir Dante," Liebe said happily "Yeah he's the best!" Asta replied, "But do you know what they were talking about of the mission I had to do?" Asta asked Liebe "No I have no clue what they mean but I'm sure it means something fun I think.." liebe said in response "I can't wait at age 15 THATS going to take a long time from now..." as asta just smiled and looked at liebe "well liebe I'm off to bed thanks for chatting with me see you tomorrow!" Asta then smiled and closed his eyes "ok asta I'll see you tomorrow!" Liebe said as Asta disappeared (time skip to age 15) "Now then asta you must get past the strong magic region and get a grimoire from the clover kingdom we don't want any suspicions about you.." Dante said as he looked over at Asta in his office "Do you know your mission?" Zenon asked coldly "Yes my mission is to track down the two arcane stage mages world tree magic, and dark magic.." asta said calmly with liebe on his shoulder "That's right there are the final requirements to make the tree of life.." Dante then got up and walked up to Asta "Man you've grown so much be careful out there now off you go asta...and let us know if you find anything with this communication device" Dante then gave it to Asta's hand "understood big brother!" Asta said formally "I'll see you guys take care!" As Asta transformed into his devil form "50%" Asta said coldly as he wrapped anti-magic around him as a mana skin "So where are we going to find this Magic?" Liebe asked "From what I heard about the Clover kingdom they have something called the magic knights and I'm assuming that's where we will find out Magic" Asta flew faster "Ah I see then well let's not waste time and go" they both traveled across the strong magic region they finally saw the clover kingdom after what had seen about three hours "were here get ready!" As asta then flew down not trying to be spotted as after planing they both got in without Any alerts as they walked around the place then they ran to a grimore tower and got a grimore "so a five leave and it looks like I got a sword out of it at least it's compatible with anti magic" asta said as he inspected the book "so I just looked into it and I can do some special techniques with this here's the first black divider you can grow the sword to a large Height next just ca out demon slayer and the sword should come back to you and lastly this will prevent us fr being seen as devils you can ride your sword" Liebe then just hopped on asta shoulder in his chibi form "great This will be extremely helpful" as asta and liebe went out and got something to eat and then from their he went to the magic knights exam but the place was closed "excuse me but why is it closed?" Asta asked the guy in the front "ah you see the magic knights exam takes place every year but tomorrow is the day it opens for new people to get into a magic knight squad the more impressive you are the higher chance you have to getting in!" The man explained "yes I got you now thanks to much.." asta said coldly "well I guess we have to wait for tomorrow then" Liebe said as they flew to a forest which they stayed at "well time to get some rest who knows there might be people more stronger than me" asta said to liebe "yeah nobody is as strong as us!" Liebe shouted in his Chibi form "who knows Liebe.." asta said as he lied down on a flat grass hill (time skip one day..) "get up asta today is the day the magic knights exam!" Liebe cried but asta was still sleeping "oh well you left me no choice.." as liebe went to his human form and grabbed the demon slayer and BOOM! He hit Asta on the head "OW OW OW OW OW OW!" As asta was rolling from side to side from the pain "WHAT THE HELL WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!?" Asta yelled "that's what you get for not waking up...let's just go now or your going to be late.." as they got ready and asta hopped on the demon slayer flying away to the exam "ok we are here now how do I register?" Asta asked as he saw a long line and got in "maybe this line takes us to the registration?" Liebe said on asta shoulder "yeah probably but when we get there your going to be in the grimore so they won't see you got it?" Asta asked liebe "yeah I know we'll looks like we are almost see ya after you join a squad" Liebe said as he disappeared "can I see your grimore please" the man said "here you go" as asta showed him his grimore "a-are you sure that's a grimore..??" The man said to asta "yes it is take a good look!" Asta slightly yelled "o-ok ok fine get it" as asta just walked in and saw all the people there "oh man that's a lot of people.." as then he felt birds pecking his head "huh what the hell?" As he saw anti birds swarming him "oh you got to be kidding me.." as he tried swatting them away they kept attacking him repeatedly "oh man who is this guy.." "what a moron!" "Those birds are after him because he has no magic!" "Get out of here this is no place for a loser like you!" The people around him laughed at him but Asta just ignored them as he accidentally bumped into a tall person very buff his aura was very ominous "Hey what the hell do you think you're doing runt?" The tall man said to Asta as he grabbed him by the head "hey isn't that yami sukehiro?" (sorry I can't spell lol) "yeah the lord of destruction!" As Yami started to count down "hey excuse me Yami sir what are you counting down for?" Asta asked "for your death.." yami said coldly "yeah I won't allow that!" As ast flexed his muscles and got off of yami's grip 'this kid is strong..' yami said in his head "there you are yami sir..come on let's go! The exam is almost starting" This person that is called Yami is named Finral and the person next to him is Gordon "Tch well let's go then...your lucky brat use your new life wisely.." as the three disappeared with magic and so now the exams started the tasks asta had to do were not going to well asta was able to successfully ride on a broom which was his sword but it didn't make no difference and so now was the one on one as a person came up to him asking if he can battle him his name was sekke "excuse me would like to perhaps like to battle? Bah-ha" as asta looked at him "sure why not.." as asta shook his hand but then suddenly he said to him "a filthy person like you doesn't belong here.." as asta just Ignored him and got ready "NOW BEGIN!" the person yelled "Here we go.." asta said, "bronze creation magic: sekke magnum cannonball!" As Asta got ready with his fist covering it with anti-magic "I won't LOSE!" As asta punched sekke so hard that a cannon of air came out sending sekke across the arena "You're the filth here.." asta said coldly as he turned around and got out of the way as now the exam had finished and was now being chosen "next come front!" An announcer said, "Would any squads like to take this one?" As none of them had risen their hand "COME ON!" As they looked over at Asta "LET ME GET A CHANCE!" As Asta got serious as one of the squad captains went down and it was Yami "Who would want you brat?! Someone who has unknown powers? Has no magic? What is it that you want!?" As the whole ground was shaking due to yami's terrifying aura 'come on think of something...' Asta had an idea "I want to become the wizard king!" As it got silent "If you want to become the wizard king you have to show the wizard king himself that you are better than every single captain! Are you sure you can do that?!" As Asta just looked at him "You think I'd give up now? I'll show you THAT I CAN BECOME THE WIZARD KING!" As Asta felt ridiculous saying that to him as the aura stopped and they stared eye to eye "HAHA! I like you kid your a funny one come to join our squad!" As Asta's face went blank "What?" As Asta was straight up confused "That's right I'm saying the black bulls will let you in and maybe one day you'll become the wizard king" Asta was still confused "And just so you know refusing isn't an option.." yami said coldly "yes sir!" As time passed asta got in a squad "Good let me know if you find anything else asta.." Dante said in the transmitter device "Yes big brother I'll see you when I find anything else" As Asta hanged up "you ready asta?" Yami said "Yes sir" 'my first mission is complete now it's time for the second one and that's to find the arcane stage mages of dark magic and world tree magic..."
To be continued

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